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{back to third person}

 Shadows beneath Idina's eyes stand out something fierce as she pulls the door of the theatre shut behind her, clutching her script. She nervously glances down at her right bicep, readjusting her oversized sweater to make sure the bandage underneath is concealed. Soft stride barely makes a noise as she crosses the room to sit on the floor in the corner. Easing down to the floor, she pulls opens her script and attempts to study it. She hasn't forgotten any of the lines. At least, not anymore than she did when they were on broadway. She shakes her head at herself, cursing the missed lines, though a soft smile crosses her face at the memories of the onstage improv with the incredible cast. The door opens and her head shoots up. Anthony. She stays quite, waiting to see if he notices her. He doesn't. His footsteps head down an adjoining hallway and a door opens. The bathroom. He'll be back. Idina sets aside her script and pulls out her book, disappearing into the beautiful world of fiction. The door opens again but Idina doesn't notice until the blond bombshell is upon her with a massive bear hug.

"Idina!!!!" Jenn's excitement can't be contained in just a hug; Idina's name turns into a squeal as she runs out of consonants. Idina lets out a chuckle and shuts her book underneath Jenn's wiry arms.

"Hey Jenn. I didn't know you were gonna be here. I though you had obligations conflicting with the tour. It's so good to see you!" Idina turns to hug Jenn back, careful not to leave her right bicep vulnerable.

"I do. But I was free today, so I came! Come on! Let's hide so we can scare everyone else as they come in!" Idina marvels at Jenn's zest for life, all day, everyday. Jenn takes the far hallway so Idina takes the one leading to the bathrooms, hunched with her left shoulder against the walll. Jenn scares the next five people to come in, and pretty soon most of the cast has arrived. Idina stays where she is, not wanting to face people yet. The door opens again and in walks James Sndyer. Idina loses her sense, lost in her mind. She doesn't hear Anthony coming up behind her until his hand is on her arm. A strangled cry leaves her mouth as she leaps away.

"Idina, are you okay?" Anthony approaches her again, his face apologetic and concerned. Idina's eyes shift around, trying to find somewhere to land. Everyone is watching them.

"Yeah, just a little jumpy. Sorry guys." James waits for her eyes to land on his again. They do, and her jaw tightens a little bit, as if to show him how strong she is. He drops his eyes, ashamed and apologetic that she once more feels the need to prove herself to him. Tom calls to attention and the cast moves to the stage for rehearsal to begin. Idina had forgotten how much movement the choreography required. Her arm begins to ache and she wonders if the wound has broken back open. Hopefully she put enough layers on it to prevent it from bleeding through. Oh shit. The Moment Explodes. Idina closes her eyes and opens them again slowly, trying to right the world before the stage starts spinning. It doesn't work. The cast onstage stands, Idina included. She steps forward, trying to keep her legs steady. The stage begins its rotation. She misses her line but doesn't notice, her vision blurring over. The pounding in her head increases. Her legs give out as the world fades to black.

Dammit not again. James races onstage, trying to block out memories of last fall. He reaches Idina's side and kneels beside Jenn and a few of the other members of the cast. They're new for the tour. He doesn't know their names yet. It doesn't matter yet. All that matters right now is Idina. Jenn turns to him with worry, her hand on Idina's forehead.

"She's burning up." James turns to look at Idina again. Her oversized sweater slipped up when she fell, revealing a tank top underneath.

"She's wearing a tank top. Let's try and get this sweater off of her." Idina's light as a feather and the sweater is much too big; it comes off without a hitch. James's heart aches at the sight of her ribs through the thin material. His heart stops at the large bandage covering her right bicep. Jenn sponges Idina's forehead with a rag someone had wet for them, keeping it together when James remains in shock. A thin line of red had seeped through, standing out against the many layers of white gauze. Idina finally comes to. She blinks, trying to gather her bearings. Her sweater. Idina's eyes land on her sweater in James's arms and she struggles to her feet.

"What the hell, James?" Flames flicker behind her eyes, her voice deadly low. James awkwardly holds out her sweater.

"You were burning up, Idina. We didn't know what was going on." He tries to sooth her with his words, hoping maybe it would work.

"So you decided to undress me? Wow. What a stellar first step!" Her voice raises a bit, sarcasm dripping from her words.

"It was a reasonable first step! We wouldn't have done it had you not been wearing a tank top." Frustration creeps into James's tone at Idina's hostility.

"Whether I'm decent is for me to decide, not you. It's my body!" Idina throws her shoulders back in defiance, voice just below a shout.

"Idina, what happened to your arm." And the moment explodes. James quiet words, bordering on anger send Idina's small flames into a raging bonfire.

"It's none of your fucking business!" Idina's arms flail in uncontrolled, hurt anger.

"It's my business if I make it so!" James responds just as loudly this time, taking a step in her direction.

"And you have no right to do so! I don't even see why you care!" Idina shortens the distance between them until they're mere inches apart. James looks down, sees the tears, the pain behind the anger in her eyes. He lowers his voice.

"Idina, of course I care about you. You know that." He attempts to put his hands on her shoulders but she shoves him back.

"Like hell you care! Last I checked caring wasn't building up someone's trust just to break them all over again!" And with those last shouted words Idina storms off stage. The cast stares at James.

"Idina—!" He calls after her, following in the direction she took off. He catches a glimpse just as she takes off outside. The door slams behind her. A gunshot rings out and James's heart leaps to his throat.  

A/N: Hey guys! So I obviously still haven't decided which I prefer for point of view. I guess some chapters work better with different points of view. Also, if there were any questions last time, there are such things as furnished apartments, where basic furnishings (i.e., bed, table, chair, etc.) are included in the apartment. Idina has one of those, but it's real simply done. Nothing elaborate, but having the basics already in there makes it so much easier to write.

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