Chapter Four

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Friday evening came faster than expected and I found myself going through everything I owned for clothing trying to find something appropriate before Livie picked me up to get ready. I wasn't sure on whether to go formal or casual so In desperation I stuffed a bunch of things in a bag to let Livie choose. I just came downstairs and saw what I assumed was her red car pull into the drive.

Livie's house was about the same size as mine. It had a huge yard including a vegetable garden and more flower beds than I could count. They also had a barn but unlike ours I could see horses grazing out front. We walked into the house and I saw a dark haired guy scouring the fridge for something. I looked at Olivia and she put a finger to her lips instructing me to stay quiet. I didn't have time to wonder what she was doing because out of no where she let out a battle cry and launched herself onto the guy's back. He yelled in surprise and they tumbled to the floor. I couldn't help laughing as they wrestled for a moment before Olivia was pinned to the tiles of the kitchen.

"Gotcha back girl"

She laughed,"Well I'm pretty darned sure I got you first"

"Terry, this is my boyfriend, Ryan"

I didnt get a chance to respond before I heard a voice behind me.

"Now who do we have here?"

I spun around and instantly wished I hadn't. There stood a male version of Olivia. He was as hot as she was pretty and as he walked up the stairs from a basement I hadn't even noticed was there. I couldn't help but stare. He apparently just had a shower because the only thing he was wearing was a towel and to my surprise he walked up to me and picked up my hand in his.

"Well hello beautiful."

Coming from anyone else I would have laughed but he raised my hand to his lips and gently kissed it. I could see him gauging my reaction and when I didn't pull away he kissed thee more times moving up my arm. I stood there shocked. I had definitely never been greeted by a guy this way. I heard Ryan scoff.

"Keep it in your pants man."

He looked up from my hand and grinned myschiviously.

"Too bad I'm not wearing any."

Olivia rolled her eyes.

"Terry, this is my brother Bryce."

Once we escaped to Olivia's room I showed her what I brought. She quickly disregarded the party dresses I had brought and had a few of the shirts laid out on the bed.

"Did you bring any jeans?"

I looked at her quizzically and she sighed. She then went into her closest mumbling something about how I'm lucky we were pretty much the same size. By the time she had made her magic I was dressed in dark blue skinny jeans, a black semi see-through pure lace top and a navy blue coloured bandeau underneath. She topped it off with knee high brown leather boots and stepped back approvingly. I was a bit confused about why I would be wearing boots in the spring but she assured me that between the mosquitoes and dirt that I'd appreciate not wearing sandals.

Downstairs the guys had changed into clean jeans and plaid shirts with white t-shirts underneath. It was just so... country, but if anything it made them even more attractive. As I walked down the stairs Bryce whistled at my outfit and I inspected the front of my shirt to avoid his gaze. I really didn't have very much experience when it came to flirting and everything I know I got from watching movies. Lame right? I really have to start something because so far I've stood gawking like a total retard every time Bryce has said something.

As we walked to the car I felt an arm slide around my shoulders. This is it. Show him your not retarded. I pep talked to myself.

"So you never did tell me your name," he winked down at me.

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