Chapter Two

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I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing frantically and it took me a minute to realize it was a a phone call and not a text. I grabbed it from beside my lamp and managed to mumble a hello.

"Hey hun! It's Kat, I'll be over in a minute so drag yourself out of bed already."

I grunted in response and hauled myself into the shower. My parents have hired a moving truck for all our furniture but cheaped out with everything else. They have the idea that we will make a bunch of different trips to the new place in order to get everything all there. I took one look at all the boxes and sighed as I started lugging them out to the van. I have two siblings, my brother Chad who has already moved out of the house and my little sister April. She is only three years old and I'm almost positive that she was a 'surprise' even though my parents will deny it to no end. I looked up as Kat pulled into the driveway thankful for the excuse to stop loading boxes.

"Oh Terry, I can't believe that your not going to live here anymore."

I smiled trying to keep the mood light.

"Aren't you supposed to be the optimistic one?"

She let out a small laugh, "Oh give me a break, its not everyday your best friend plans to move like four and a half hours away! Were taking my car by the way, yours is way to full and there's no way I'm entertaining your sister for that long."

I giggled at the horrified expression on her face and walked over to my dad to let him know we were leaving. We agreed to meet him in Arbour, the town less than ten minutes away from our new place.

Four hours later (due to Kat's tendency to speed) we found ourselves in the smallest little hic town I had ever seen. We drove around to see what we could find... And it wasn't much. There was a school. One school, for the whole town located at the far north end of town next to the smallest hospital I had ever seen. We drove down what I assumed was main street because of the stretch of businesses on either side.

"Do you want to get something to eat? I think I see a restaurant down there."

I nodded in agreement and we parked in front of a small building with peeling white paint and big windows. The sign said Floe's in big red swirly letters and I felt like I had just gone back in time.

I looked over at Kat who was nervously inspecting the place like it was about to reach out and eat her instead.

"Don't you get the feeling that we should be riding horses and looking out for bank robbers like some old western movie?"

She laughed and replied in a horrible western accent.

"Absolutely hunny, why don't y'all get us some grub."

I laughed and pushed open the door.

Inside the restaurant we found a window seat and ordered from a really bubbly waitress who talked with a drawl not too far off Kat's impression outside. I tried not to laugh but snickered at the irony of it. As we ate and talked I watched people walk down the street. I was particularly interested in a tall blonde haired boy across the street and wondered if I'd ever trust another man. Kat followed my gaze and raised her eyebrows.

"Well, well, he's pretty hot if I say so myself. I'd sure like a piece of that cake"

I rolled my eyes at her cheesy saying but she cut me off before I could tell her anything.

"But I'm pretty sure nothing beats the one sitting two booths behind you"

I looked around trying to inconspicuously catch a glimpse of the guy who apparently nothing could beat. I instantly knew which one he was as soon as I saw him. He was looking out the window with both of his huge hands wrapped around a cup of coffee which practically disappeared under them. He had tousled dark brown hair which matched his already dark tan even though it was only June.

Kat kicked my shin under the table and hissed, "Terry don't stare!"

I tried to look away but couldn't. My eyes ravished over the defined muscles in his forearms which were exposed by his rolled up sleeves. At that moment he looked away from the window and I found two piercing green eyes staring into mine. The expression on his face was unreadable but I knew the one on mine would be plain as day. I blushed deep red at being caught and looked away as fast as I could and pretended to be intently occupied by something on my plate. I ignored the smirk on Kat's face refusing to acknowledge that she was secretly laughing at me. I told myself I wouldn't look in his direction but soon gave in and peeked through my hair. He was gone. Not even the empty cup remained. I hadn't notice him leave even though he would have had to pass by us to get to the door. I gave Kat a quizzical expression and reading my thoughts she looked over to his table and shrugged

"I didn't see him either"

There wasn't time to think about it because my phone started ringing and I frantically dug through my purse trying to find it. My parents informed me in the call that they had arrived and gave us directions to the house.

I hadn't even seen pictures yet so I was pretty nervous as we drove up the lane. I shouldn't have worried. The house came into sight and I instantly knew I loved it. It was a moderate size with a boardwalk type deck that surrounded at least half of it. The yard was huge with large apple trees and a big barn and horse corrals on the far side.

"Terry it's so pretty!" Kat exclaimed as we parked in front.

The house was just as nice on the inside and I picked a room on the top floor with big windows overlooking the back yard and a small balcony on the other side of a sliding glass door. Kat helped me unpack some of the stuff I brought which was hard since I didn't have any furniture yet but I didn't mind. I was like a little girl on Christmas. I was suddenly convinced that this is what I really wanted.

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