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We sat in silence until Troy came back

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We sat in silence until Troy came back. Me, on the round ottoman by the bed, and Dallas, in a chair reading a book at the table. Both of us occasionally stared at the clock above the wolf motif mirror. He refused to speak except for a curt cough.

This wasn't awkward at all.

It got to be so painful that I was desperate to make any sort of conversation.

"How's Iris?" Dallas barely flinched when I said his mate's name. She had been a Trueblood wolf first, having held a royal rank of Delta before being shipped off to spy on Troy. I wasn't actually there when she left but I did learn that she and Dallas were mates from Blake. It was quite juicy gossip.

Dallas didn't engage with me.

"I'm guessing you never even told her I was here? Or maybe you're keeping her on a short leash and locking her in her room?" I tried using the mind link to communicate with her but I was getting static, which meant she wasn't in the building. "Or maybe she finally had enough of you and left your pathetic ass."

That riled him up.

Dallas shut his book and glared at me.

"If it isn't made abundantly clear, I don't like you or that shit show you call a pack. You can rot in hell for all I care." Okay, Dallas, tell me how you really feel.

"Funny because that's exactly how I feel about your pack. Having been graced by you and your brother's lovely company, there's not exactly a lot to like."

"You should be grateful Troy is taking it easy on you."

I snorted. "Yes, I'm so grateful to be kidnapped and held here against my will."

"I will not tolerate sarcasm."

He went back to his book and more silence followed. He was just as annoying as his older brother. How his mate could stand him I'd never know.

I sensed Troy getting closer in proximity.

"You can hate me and my pack all you want but I'll remind you that your mate was from my pack. She was my family before you even met her." Iris was four years older than me and the only one who spoke up against Ares when he wanted to send me away. Not even Blake did that.

"And she's told me how great that experience has been for her."

Troy opened the door and Dallas had the last word.

"You can leave." Troy announced but I didn't know who he was talking to.

Dallas shot me a smug look. "Should I put her in a cell?" Oh, he would love that, wouldn't he?

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