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I screamed her name! She yelled my name back. We were so excited. We started squealing as we hugged! "I love you Hailey!" I managed to say during our squeezing hug. She let go and said, "I love you too." Then she kissed my forehead and we went inside. Mom was standing at the doorway, squealing with excitement. Then Hailey and mom hugged and went inside. I closed the door behind us and we went to the dining room. I set the table and told Hailey to sit at her usual spot. We had four chairs at the table. We never took out Hailey's chair. Or dad's....... But mom brought in the "smelling-good food" and we sat down. We prayed and then dug in. The whole time we were eating, she was stuffing her mouth and talking at the same time. But then again, we all were. We were excited. We had the whole weekend planned out! She was talking about the whole summer and how much she loved her new college. She talked about her boyfriend, Hunter a couple of times. They are pretty cute together. But she mained the whole conversation to her college. Then when we were done we ate dessert, Apple Pie. And then we all complemented mom's cooking and took quick showers. Then we all said goodnight and went to bed. But right when I was about to fall asleep, I heard Hailey come in my room and she whispered in my ear. "And tomorrow, we will go to the mall and get you some new clothes." We giggled and she quietly left my room. The I fell asleep with a smile on my lips. Not knowing that would be our last night together.

Sincerely, Melissa Lay
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