(Y/N)'s P.O.V:
"Demo! Don't you dare!" I opened my eyes. Scout was propping himself up on his arms. I saw Demo standing beside the bed with a camera. My heart pounded. What if Medic sees me with Scout?
"Oh-h-h! Wait 'till Spy sees dis! Oh you'll be in for it lad!"Demo said with that Scottish accent of his.
"Don't you-"
"Heeheehee!"Demo took off out of the room, and slammed the door.
"No! Scout! Get him!"
"I'm gonna get you, you piece of crap!"Scout hurried out of the bed, but tripped over my legs while he was getting out.
"Oh! Scout!"I laughed a little. He had fallen on his face. He scrambled to his feet and ran to the door. He whipped it open and ran down the hall.
I hurried out of bed, and realized that I didn't have my stuff. My coat, medigun, bone saw, syringe gun, and my gloves. I realized my boots were gone too. All I had on was a fitted undershirt and pants.... Shit! Oh well. I'll get it later. I ran out the door and looked down the hallway. Demo was holding pictures in his hand and Scout was catching up fast. I started running, when Medic came around the corner. Demo ran smack into Medic. Medic stumbled back, whereas Demo fell down. Scout tripped over Demo and rolled over to Medic's feet. I kept running. Medic bent down and grabbed one of the pictures Demo was holding.
"No!"I shouted. I jumped over Demo and tried to snatch the picture away from Medic, but he just moved his hand. He stared at it. He looked hurt and angry in his eyes, whereas his face showed calm.
"Vhats zis?" He asked.
"I can explain!" Scout said as he hurried to his feet.
"No, Scout let me explain." Medic looked at me, hurt in his eyes. Oh shit! What should I say? I could tell him Scout was having night mares and was scared. My eyes flicked to Scout then back into Medic's gaze. No. It would embarrass him. I couldn't do that to him. So... what should I say...? I think I got it. "I was having night mares, and I was scared, so, you see, I went to sleep in Scout's bed so I wouldn't be scared."I felt nervous. Medic stared at me for a long moment. I was scared of what he might say next.
"Oh. Vell zen. Next time you should come to me, fraulein."I blushed.
"Next time, just come to me. I vould gladly help comfort you."I blushed more.
"Oh. Ok. Well, it's just Scout was closer and I don't want to bother you and wake you up-"
"(Y/N), if you came and vake me up it vouldn't bozer me."
"O-ok. I will."Medic smiled at me, and I smiled back.
"What the hell is zhis!" I heard Spy's French accent.
"Oh shit." Scout said. I looked over at Spy, who was holding one of the pictures. Demo was up and laughing at Scout.
"Scout! I'm going to kill you!" Demo laughed harder and Scout ran away while Spy chased him. "What did I tell you about giving ladies their personal space!"
"I'M SORRY!"I laughed too.
~~Time skip~~
I got my stuff back from the infirmary. Spy was trying to make another plan to take the BLU team's intelligence. Scout, being the dirty guy he is, has said why don't we send (Y/N) in there topless to distract them while we go in and take the brief case. Demo and Sniper thought it funny and a great idea. Spy knocked Scout upside the head, as did I.
~~Time skip~~
I was sitting around, reading a book, when Sniper came along. I felt something hit my chest. I looked down. A goldfish rested on top of my boob. What the hell? Another one hit my chest, but laid on my other boob.
"Ah piss."I heard Sniper's Australian accent. I looked up just as a goldfish landed between my cleavage. I gasped. "Bull's eye!"Sniper said. I glared at him.
"SNIPER!" He laughed at me. I got up from my chair; two of the goldfish went flying whereas one stayed between my bosom.
"Crikey!" Sniper yelled as he took off running.
"Sniper! Get over here!" I chased after him. Sniper ran into the infirmary, and I followed him in. He ran to Medic, and hid behind him. He laughed as I stormed over towards him. Medic gave a questioning look at Sniper, then me. Then, he looked at my cleavage. He stared at my bosom, and blushed.
"I dare ya, mate!"Sniper said to Medic.
"To vha-" Sniper smirked at him. "Nein. Sniper, no."
"Do it mate!" Sniper yelled. "Now's yer chance!"
"No! I von-"
"I'll do it!" I heard Scout's Boston accent behind me. Suddenly, I felt Scout's hand on my boob, grab the gold fish, and then he was gone. I whipped around and saw him pop the gold fish in his mouth, and then he took off running.
"SCOUT!"Medic and I yelled. Sniper was laughing.
Hiiiiiiiiiii! Did you like the story? Let me know in the comments! You can check out my TF2 One shots story as well if you'd like. I hope you enjoyed this. Byyyyyyyyyyeeeeeee!

Team Fortress 2 Medic x Reader
FanfictionGet ready for the cuteness! This is my Medic x Reader story. There is smut and hints of masturbation. Don't be mad. I love you all. I'm sorry. I can't resist. I do not own any of the characters in the story nor the game TF2. That's Valve's shit i d...