(Y/N)'s P.O.V:
"Come on Heavy, you can do it!" My uber charge was at 96%.
"Alright. Let's kill these babies."Heavy rounded the corner letting out his battle cry. Heavy's health started going down fast all of a sudden.
"What the?"I realized there were bullets flying at him, and a few rockets came. It's a sentry!
"Medic! RUN!"Heavy collapsed dead.
"Let's go maggots!"A BLU soldier yelled.
"Oh shit!"
I turned and sprinted. I turned right down the hallway, then left. I didn't know where to go. Where is the rest of the team! They were here. I noticed the dead bodies. Shit! There was Soldier, Demo, Pyro, and Spy. Oh god... I got a feeling. I heard a weird noise behind me. The sound you hear when a spy uncloaks.
I spun around and swung my bone saw. I chopped his head off. I laughed at him. Then I took off running. I heard the BLU team yelling and chasing after me. As I ran past a room, I was suddenly grabbed and pulled back. I tried to scream, but whoever it was kept a hand over my mouth. I looked up. It was Medic. He pulled me into the room with him. He pushed me against the wall and pressed himself against me. He was in a protective stance, and was trying to keep me hidden. He removed his hand from my mouth. He looked intensely at the ground at our feet.
We waited until we heard the BLU team run by the room. We were safe. I expected Medic to move, but he didn't. He stood frozen. I didn't speak. I stared at his face. His breathing was heavy. I felt something wet soaking my coat and shirt on the front. I noticed tears in Medic's eyes. Medic then grabbed my waist. He pressed himself tighter against me. I felt butterflies flitter in my stomach. He's so close to me... but why is there something wet soaking my shirt. Then I realized why he wasn't moving. He's in pain.
I pushed Medic back. On the front of him, there was a large gash. I whipped out my medigun. I turned it on and healed him. The wound healed, and Medic smiled. I stood on the tips of my toes. I then whispered in his ear.
"Are you ok?"
"Ja. I'm fine. I'm more worried about you fraulein."
"I'm alright."
We heard footsteps again. Medic pushed me against the wall. He pressed himself against me. I felt his warm body against me. It felt comforting, and I felt safe. He had his hand on the wall next to my head, shielding me. The footsteps passed. He put his lips to my ear.
"Let's get out of here."
He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door way. He looked both ways down the hall, then turned right. We ran down the hall, then turned left, then right to the outside. There was an open field. I saw Engie at the other building sitting by his sentry and dispenser. We sprinted across the field. A bunch of bullets went whizzing past us. We ran until we reached our base and ran inside. Then we collapsed, panting and out of breath. I realized Medic was still holding my hand. Medic and I blushed, and we let go. I got up and ran to the outside of the base. I saw the BLU team standing over there. I flipped them off.
"I killed your spy dumb asses!" I turned around and started shaking my butt.
"We'll get you bitch. Oh, we'll get you."One of the BLUs said. I turned around and saw their sniper in a window, his gun pointed at me. I jumped and rolled, just as the gun went off. When I popped back up, I snatched Demo's gun out of his hand.
"Hey!"Demo shouted. I pointed it at their sniper, and shot it. A direct hit and he exploded.
"Yes!" I pointed it at the other BLUs and began firing. They retreated. "HAHA! FUCK YOU GUYS!"
~~Time skip~~
I laid in bed, tired and sore from today's battle. I started thinking about Medic. He was...pressed against me earlier... that's hot. He's so handsome too. With his jet black hair, his grey-blue eyes, his muscular build, and his handsome face. He's just so amazing. I soon drifted off to sleep. I was awoken when somebody grabbed me and violently yanked me up by my hair. I tried to scream, but the person covered my mouth. I licked their hand, and then bit it. The person hissed in pain.
"HELP!"I struggled and fought.
"NO! (Y/N)!" I heard Scout yell. He tried to get up and fight the man, but a BLU spy came up and slit Scout's throat.
"NOOOOOOOO!"I screamed. I writhed and punched and kicked and squirmed and pushed, but then everything went black.
Medic's P.O.V:
We all bursted into Scout and (Y/N)'s room. I rushed to the window. I saw men running outside carrying something, it looked like a body. I looked at Scout's bed. Scout was choking, and had a slash across his throat. Luckily, I grabbed my medigun. I quickly turned it on and healed Scout.
"SCOUT!" I yelled.
"(Y/N)! She's-she's gone! Itriedtostopthem(Y/N)wasfightin'Itriedbut(Y/N)was-"
"Calm down! Scout, vhere is (Y/N)! Tell me vhere she is! Vhat happened?"
"The BLUs came in and kidnapped her."My eyes widened. I froze. It was as if everything around me was in slow motion. Nothing moved. I breathed slowly. My world came crashing down on me in an instant. They... They kidnapped her.... I turned to Spy. I grabbed him.
"Ve have to get her back! Ve have to!" Spy gave me a determined look.
"I know. Gentlemen! Let's get (Y/N) back."
Noooooooo! Lol. Cliff hangers. I might put a long space in between this and the next post. We are nearing the point in which I have stopped typing. Not that the story has ended or anything! I just haven't added anything else in. There's going to be more, don't worry. Make sure to check out some of my other stories. My TF2 oneshots story needs requests! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed. Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Team Fortress 2 Medic x Reader
FanfictionGet ready for the cuteness! This is my Medic x Reader story. There is smut and hints of masturbation. Don't be mad. I love you all. I'm sorry. I can't resist. I do not own any of the characters in the story nor the game TF2. That's Valve's shit i d...