Chapter 30

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Lola's PoV
Laying on the bed in a nice fluffy robe I look down at my nails. I chose a French manicure with diamonds and they look great. Not to mention my skin looks and feels incredible and I'm so lethargic, it's so worth it. I look at my phone after not looking at it all morning and realise that it's nearly 12. I have 3 missed calls and 4 texts. All the missed calls are from Matthew, and three of the four texts are from Matthew.
Matthew: are you coming down for
breakfast? I left you a note.
(Missed call)
Matthew: Lola?
(Missed call)
(Missed call)
Matthew: I'm worried now where are you? I've been to the room and you're not there. Please just ring me as soon as you get This.
The last text is from Layla.
Layla: you having fun shaggin the boss, bitch ;)
I burst out in laughter. This one I had to reply to. I did kinda tell Layla the full 'fake girlfriend' story so now she knows why I'm away with Matthew.
Me: damn Layla! Shh ;) no sex is involved! and don't even get me started!
Okay so I did tell a little white lie but she doesn't need to know that me and Matthew had sex. That's no ones business.
Just as I'm about to text Matthew back the suite door opens and Matthew strides in. He sees me and he doesn't look happy...
"Where the fuck have you been?!"
"Didn't feel like breakfast so I've been here" I really didn't want to tell him where I've been, not yet anyway. And I know for a fact he's going to get mad by my reply.
"Don't fucking lie to Me! I've been up here twice and Both times you weren't  here!"
Oh man he's getting extremely angry.
"Why are you yelling?! There's no need to yell!"
"If you had forgotten the whole fucking  reason for you being here is to be my girlfriend and you not showing up to breakfast made people ask questions and made me look stupid! You're not supposed to be making people ask questions! You're supposed to be on my arm for the weekend, acting like a proper girlfriend"
"That's the thing Matthew I'm your Fake girlfriend, You can't tell me what I can and can't do just because I'm your fake girlfriend! Even if I was your real one I still wouldn't allow you to control me!"
"I'm going to ask you once more Lola" he said in a calmer tone. "Where the fuck were you"
I just looked at him. Blinking slowly and running my tongue along my teeth. I don't know why but what he said to Tamara really effected me probably because I'm stupid and actually thought he felt how I do.
"I swear to god Lola if you're seeing someone without me knowing I will do more than just yell"
"Why should it matter? After this weekend I'm no longer your fake girlfriend, I'm a free woman"
"Lola lets get something straight, fake girlfriend or not you belong to me. These lips are mine" he runs his finger over my bottom lip.  "your body is mine" he runs his hands down the length of my body "you are mine" he cups my face and I pull away and turn my back to him.
"Matthew I'm not your possession or an object. Plus we aren't even dating!"
"Lola listen... I really meant it last night when I said the more I say it the more I wish it was true. you're special and you have an effect on me no woman has ever had and I'm not going to lie it scares the shit out of me. And the way I was with you last night, I've never been like that with a woman"
"oh. you're really going to stand there and say to me that you've never fucked a woman. ha please"
"it was more than just a fuck Lola and you know it"
"Matthew just stop! I can't take any more of your bullshit. Everything you've been saying is complete bullshit and don't you dare tell me it isn't because I heard you and Tamara. I mean absolutely fuck all to you so please cut the crap and just go and be with Tamara" 
shock was written across his face and I could tell by the expression he was speechless. I walked off into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. There was no explanation needed I heard it all loud and clear when he said all to Tamara.


haaaiiii!! firstly, I think you'll all be happy for me to say I have nearly finished this book and I'm planning a second and third so this will be a trilogy.

secondly, even though no one will be interested if anyone uses IFlist or wants to put characters forward then I've put this story on there. I'd love to see who people imagine the characters as.

For those of you that don't know what IFlist is its a website where you as the reader get to choose celebrities as the characters in the story. I'd love it if you'd put your characters forward.

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