Chapter III

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We were walking in the front of the high-school laughing about the fact that a small, poor building like this one can carry on so many idiots. He seemed to be very entertained by this subject.

"That's so right.” I laughed all the way there. “Is there a problem if I come home with you? I want to know you arrive safely."

"Sure. I would like some company."

And if my hands weren't freezing that bad and I would be able to get them out from my pocket I would also like to hold your hand.

"If you're cold I can..."

"It’s ok. I'm pretty good."

He was very nice to me. But I felt he wasn't my type. He wasn't a weirdo. But if he likes me and I don't and he wants to date me and I refuse what am I going to do? He'll think I’m the same as the other kids from his high-school. But now I couldn't think about this. I wanted to go home and see if my dad arrived or to give him a call and see where he is. I don't know why I didn't call him in the morning. I think I wasn't in the mood to talk to anybody. I don't know.

"Here it is. This is where I live."

"Wow, big house for a small girl. Who are you living with?"

"My dad but he's away."

"Okay. I guess I’m going home."

"Where do you live?"

"Not far from the Centre, near the mall. Here's my number...Call me when you need me."

"Thanks Adam. How much do I owe you? For the coffee and..."

"…Absolutely nothing. First time is free, sweetheart!"

And he left.

There he was. The friend I never had. From the first day of school he came to me, took me out, walked me home...He was amazing. I've never met a guy to treat me like this even if he didn't know me. Didn't know me...I don't know if it's good or bad. I'll just let the things flow.

When I entered the house it was empty: nothing and no one. The boxes were still amid the living room and the atmosphere was cold and wet. The back door was opened. Was it all the time after I left home? I was sure I closed it. I just threw my bag in the lobby and went to check upstairs. My dad's room's door was opened. So I thought he was home. But, why did he leave the door opened and the window in his room? So I doubt he was in a hurry. My dad wasn't like this. He wanted to know me safe. He was closing all the doors and windows when he was leaving. He was telling me to wear my seat belt even if he was driving on the straightest roads that you can see.

Where is he? Why didn't he call me? Should I worry?

Of course I should. I went fast downstairs and searched in my bag for the cellphone. I dialed his number but when I pressed "Call" the phone just sounded strange. Like a really sharp knife scratching a blackboard. And the phone dropped on the floor breaking his key. I was scared and I didn't know what to do to find him, to know he is safe and that he'll come back. Otherwise I was supposed to wait one night or even more, alone in this big, haunted house.

I ran to the back yard to check and see if there was any sign that someone was here. But I saw blank. No footprints, no mark to prove someone was here.

Maybe someone was here right after I left home and the wind and the snow covered the signs.

That means someone was following me all the time. To see when I leave and when I come back. Where do I live and with who. And why was my room in the same condition unlike my dad’s? There were too many questions and no one to give me the answers.

What was left to do, nothing? I just closed and locked all the doors in the house and convinced myself that I was totally safe.

Last time when I did this, I woke up with the back door opened and my dad's room a mess. And I was "perfectly safe" yeah...

It was very cold. I turned on the heat from the central but it takes long time for this house to get warm. And until then, you’re freezing like an ice-cube.

I didn't want to eat anything. It was 8 p.m. and I was sleepy and cold but I didn't want to take a shower. So I just turned on the radio and listened how the broadcaster was saying that the weather will get worse than it is, while I was opening some boxes.

Everytime we were moving, the first box I was opening was the one with my mom's dish. She had an entire collection. They were so fragile and carefully painted that was requesting a whole process to unpack. We weren't using them too much. Only if we were very busy, all the other dishes were dirty and no one was in the mood to wash them.

It was 11 p.m. and I decided to go to bed. The night was so shiny and so calm. The snowflakes were creating a simple slideshow over my window and breaking on the enormous and fuzzy blanket of snow. And I remembered how they could hide all the marks that the person who was here left. No one can do that. No one can walk so gentle on the snow without leaving a sign.


The following morning I woke up fresh and prepared for a new day. I washed my teeth, brushed my hair but this was also optional. I wasn't talking to anybody at school and I always kept my head hidden under my hood looking continuously at the floor. So, in fact, no one was looking at me. Not even the teachers. Here, not a single teacher introduced me to the other classmates. Mean but it was kind of relieving from all the eyes staring at me, while I was standing in front of the class, looking like a dumb.

I didn't eat that morning. I was still hoping that my dad will make me some food for me or borrow me some money for lunch when he comes back home. He didn’t.

Where is he? I want him to come back. I need to find him, to insist on calling him. But his phone is destroyed. And I’m scared and anxious about this.

But he wants me safe; going to school and study like an ordinary girl.

Pull yourself together!

What to do? I had no way out; no one to call or to ask for help. I was captive here, in this city. If I had a car I would run away to find my dad, but I was alone and I couldn’t do it all on my own.

When I opened the front door, right in front of me was Adam, standing so upright and tall as he was looking at me with his eyes that were now darker than yesterday. But still enough shiny to make me tremble again and get instantly red.

"Good morning sleepy! How're you?"

"Hey Adam, I'm ok now. What are you doing here so early?"

"I came to pick you up and go together at school. I'm sure we'd both like some company. Am I right?"

"You read my mind. Ok then, let's go!"

"Wait, are you home alone? Where are your parents?"

"Long story..."

"I don't hurry up! And I have my ears turned on so... ready to listen if it's not too private."

"Ok, but let's go. I don't want to miss the courses again.”

"Alright, ladies first." And he winked me. Then I realized how handsome he was. He was wearing some skinny black pants, same boots as yesterday and a pair of gloves. His hands probably froze yesterday when we walked back home.

"Nice gloves by the way." I laughed.

"Thanks. I take care of them carefully. Girls love soft hands." and he smiled broadly at me. In that moment I felt a hot heat embracing me. I wondered if he liked me.

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