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We were obliged to travel by air to New Orleans. Before heading to the airport, we abandoned the van and Aden’s car, together with his body, in a deserted field, at about 5 miles away. It was only then that I realised I’d forgotten to ask Aden what do Christina or Kain want from me. We also left behind the entire bag full of indestructible weapons, but made sure there were no fingerprints on them.

We were now checking in at the airport, waiting for our flight, looking suspiciously pale and light-handed. In case I omitted to tell you, Carmen was also a vampire, a psi vampire. She was rarely feeding on blood, but other than that, she was feeding off life energy such as memories or thoughts, and she was able to compel minds into doing whatever she wanted them to do. At the check-in, Carmen, James and I had to remain as human as possible, so the scanners could detect warmth and blood flow from our bodies.

“Please, miss, step through.” said the custom house officer.

I was the first one in the row and I was breathing heavily and praying and hoping they wouldn’t see anything out of the ordinary about me. I smiled, stepped through the scanner, barely touching the ground and right before passing by it, I had the feeling that my ears had gone mute. It wasn’t so, it was just the scanner that didn’t detect anything and let me walk away from it without problem.

“Thank you.” I blushed and said terrified to the scanner.

Carmen and James were to go next, but they were safe too. Anna just walked by like she wasn’t even there, because she looked like a child and finally, Adam had to complete the row. Although he had no reason to fear, he was the most anxious and I could’ve calmed him down, but waving and whispering wouldn’t have helped our normal people disguise. All he had to do was step through. And we all thought that the scanner had nothing to detect about Adam, for he was the only human amongst us, but right before stepping out of the radar, the scanner interrupted the order.

“Mister, please step aside, next to me.”

At that point, Adam was already dead horrified and I felt exactly what he felt; like that would’ve been the end and we wouldn’t get to complete our mission or that the rest of us had to run away in that exact moment and leave him behind, arrested and taken away.

When the radar was close to his jacket pocket Adam started speaking.

“It must have been my trousers’ button.”

The officer got distracted by his words and avoided the pocket, going directly to the metallic button that, indeed, triggered the radar.

“Alright, sir. You’re free to go.”

Adam nodded calmly and smiled back, then, practically ran into us releasing every single breathe that he held into his lungs. I levitated to him and embraced him, almost picking him up. He held me as tight as I did right back.

“What were you thinking!? They could’ve taken you away.” I cried.

He took my head between his hands and looked into my eyes, easing my beating heart.

“I’m here and we have a flight to catch.” He smiled.

I felt watched and I knew exactly who was watching. I knew James didn’t like this, I knew he knew that I felt something for Adam. I closed my eyes and sighed, getting Adam’s hand off my rosy cheeks.

“What did you have in that pocket?” I asked keeping the distance between us.

“It was in Aden’s wallet. It’s an address and two initials on a coin. It seemed too sophisticated not to steal it.”

Anna came near us, and took Adam’s hand in hers.

“Let’s meet at our plane gate.” She asked us cheerfully.

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