Chapter XXI

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As I was crossing the yard, I remembered that I had the same feeling the first day I went to school, way before all these happened. All the eyes were fixed on me, while mines were looking for something or somebody familiar. I found nothing. I was wondering what was behind those eyes; was it hate? Was it jealousy? Was it fear? I was definitely going to ask Patrick once I met him in the office. How many did he have, anyway? Spread all over the horizon, there were supernatural beings, some probably human, who were all training and practicing different types of exercises. Although in that moment, each one of them took his or her time to examine me from head to toe. There were even children and they were the only ones who looked at me with surprised sights. I, then saw a dark haired woman, sitting on a log at the margin of the forest. She looked up to me and I had a feeling she wanted to tell me something, because she looked awfully gloomy. Still gazing at her, I just kept walking and walking…

“Andrea! C’mon, Patrick’s already here! We’re waiting for you!” I heard Noam calling me with his deep and loud voice.

“I’m sorry, I was just admiring the surroundings.” I said looking back out the office’s window.

“Have a sit and go ahead, ask me some questions.” Patrick said invitingly.

“Why was everybody staring at me so harsh?”

“They were staring because you’re the single true-born female vampire from around these places, if not from the whole supernatural world.”

From the way they had looked at me, it had to be jealousy in their eyes. I mean, I was indeed really special.

“What’s that supposed to mean? What do I have that they don’t?”

“Noam, can you give us a moment?”

Noam nodded submissively and left out the door.

“It is really not your fault for who you are, love. It’s just that, everybody wants the kind of power you own. That’s why you are hunted.” Patrick continued, bending over the table from his seat.

Keep going, tell me more.

What I really disliked about Patrick was that he was too patient, unlike me, who had fragile nerves and could easily get pissed off.

“Half-born vampires are humans drained of human blood and injected with vampire blood, almost everybody survives this process. True-born male vampires are conceived from any kinds of vampires or even with a human being; again, almost all of them survive. As for the true-born female vampires, this process it’s a bit more complicated.”

I was ready to hear any kind of circumstance; something like being adopted, or to find out that my father was in reality not my father.

“You see, vampires like yourself, true-born females, can only be conceived from another true-born female and a true-born male vampire. In this situation, though, most of the cases fail, leaving the mother and the child dead, because of a really unbearable and painful pregnancy. It’s like killing the mother from inside. Some claim that the females are so rare because they are cursed.”

It was so hard for me hearing the word “mother”. She had nothing to do with anything, just like me, had she? She must have been as innocent as I was. She didn’t get killed during her pregnancy, only to be murdered 8 years later, by unknown assassins.

“Okay, but I can’t be the only one, right?”

“You are the only one that the supernatural world knows about. Your kind of vampire will always have a special power. All the vampires do, but your kind has a very rare one. I’m still wondering what James’ power is.”

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