Chapter 8

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A/N: Wow. I've been MIA for months. Sorry :( Okay now on with the story. 


"Well?" Scopius asked impatiently his hands in his pockets.

"I'm not sure when the date is Malfoy I'm not my cousins keeper," Albus Potter answered a slight sarcasm in his voice,"Anyway it'd be weird to stalk them don't you think?" A cheeky grin crossed Albus's face.

"Don't be stupid Potter," Scorpius's voice raising higher in pitch,"Im not going to stalk them, I just don't trust Scammander that's all." Scorpius tried to sound convincing, but Albus saw through his weak facade.

"I know you fancy my cousin a great deal Malfoy," Albus spoke calmly," But following her on her date will only make her hate you more than she already does."


"Ssshhh!" The librarian shushed the two boys.

Albus was currently studying for his O.W.L.S. and thought he'd get some peace and quiet in the library. He was wrong. Right when Albus opened his text book, Scorpius came in looking frantic and the Gryffindor (being much like his father) decided to listen to the Slytherin and be patient. He had all year to study.

"Okay then you won't follow them," Albus sighed rubbing his temple.

Scorpius let out a deep sigh and bid Albus a goodbye. That entire conversation was useless.

As much a Scorpius hated to admit it, talking to Potter was somewhat enjoyable. He knew the Gryffindor was almost put into Slytherin and maybe they could even be friends. But that concept was out of his mind when he left the library. Rose Weasley was walking side by side to Lorcan. Scorpius felt as if he'd been kicked in the gut.

Lorcan soon hugged Rose a goodbye and Scorpius stealthily crept next to Rose.

"So Rose," Scorpius said his voice cool and calm. Though on the inside he was screaming.

Rose looked up at the Slytherin startled.

"Oh hi Malfoy.'

"So um..." Scorpius ran his hands through his hair,"when's your  date?"

"Tonight." Roses voice tensing.

" Well uh have fun." Scorpius hurried off, leaving a very confused Rose behind.

"Have fun?" Scorpius thought to himself shaking his head, he was pathetic.


"Rose are you ready?" Lily sighed. Rose has been getting ready for her date for an hour now.

"Yes Lily I am!" Rose smiled triumphantly.She came out fo her dormitory a floral dress on paired with tights and cute black ballet flats.

"You look great!" Lily smiled. Rose beamed at the compliment actually genuiely excited for the date, she at first felt rather guilty like she was ditching Scorpius. But re-thinking everything she realized how stupid she sounded.

"Shit," Rose cursed she usually didn't but she was late.

"GOOOO," Lily pushed her out the door.


Rose felt eyes in all directions watch her as she and Lorcan walked down the streets of Hogsmeade. They stopped at a beautiful new cafe, it's decor very sophisticated and different from most other shops.

Lorcan flagged down a waiter and they got their seats, it took a few minutes; after staring at the menu and saying hi to familiar faces did the two actually start talking.

"So Rose," Lorcan began his eyes flickering in the candle light of the restaurant,"I'm glad you agreed to coming here with me."

"Yeah," Rose replied sheepishly.

"I mean I thought you'd say know  considering your relationship with Malfoy-"

"Scorpius and I are not in a realtionship," Rose snapped.

"Oh," Lorcan mumbled taken aback.

Rose sighed, all her excited feelings from before gone.


The date seemed to drag on and much to Roses pleasure.. ended early.

"That was nice Lorcan," Rose pecked his cheek and they said there goodbyes.

Rose yawned feeling exhausted as she made her way to the Gryffindor common room. Rose felt her hair raise on the back of her neck.

"What the hell," Rose thought an uneasy feeling swept through her,"its nothing Rose stop being a baby."

Rose kept walking when suddenly,


Rose collapsed on the ground, if awake her head would be throbbing, her attacker masked.

"Aye shes heavy," a rough voice groaned picking up Rose.

"Shut up we got er' now lets go." a feminine shrill voice spoke back.

Soon they were gone without a trace leaving the corridor dark, cold, and empty.


Please dont kill me! I'm so sorry for not updating and since its summer I'll try to more :) Hope you liked the chapter and comment what you think will happen! love you all!


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