Chapter 56 - The Brake

Beginne am Anfang

"Fine, I guess I just have to ask you this straight forward. What's up with you and Amanda?", Roxy sighed as one of her eyebrows rose and she looked at me with an annoyed expression. So she had noticed that too. Having friends that's known you for your whole life was a problem when you wanted to hide things. They knew you too well. 

"Do I have to answer that?", I wondered and apparently my answer was interesting to the rest of the compartment since everyone then looked at me with curiosity. Why hadn't I lied? Roxy's eyes told me that the answer to my question was yes. 

"To be honest I don't know. I'll tell you later, after we've talked", I vaguely lied with as much resignation as I could muster in my voice. I even pulled a hand through my hair to emphasize how confused I was. I hated myself for doing it. Why couldn't things have just been easy? No matter how much I hated myself for what I was going to do, I knew that in the end it was the right thing. 

Amanda's POV

I stepped of the train with my guitar case on my back and my suitcase dragging behind me. My friends waited for me to get off before we started hugging and saying our goodbyes. Christina and Dolan were first since they could already see their parents. Christina told me that she would kick me if I cried because we would see each other over the summer. There was no tears needed she told me and I was able to hold them in until they had left. Allison was surprisingly just as emotional as I was. As we hugged both of us let a couple of tears fall. Then when we parted we laughed because of our tears. Still, she told me we would write and meet before going to Paris. Then it was only Scorpius left.

"Please don't cry. I'm not and then it'll be weird if you do it", he told me before we hugged. I laughed and nodded. After we had let go I ruffled up his little emo fringe with a laugh. He answered with a frown and a glare. 

"Come to London some day and I'll show you the best live music café I know", I told him which awoke excitement in his eyes. After he promised that he would he also left. I was about to turn around, my mission being to find James. If I couldn't see him before I left to go to Rose's then I wouldn't be able to let it go. I didn't have to look for long though. When I turned around he was right there, just a meter away. It surprised me enough that I jumped slightly.

"You can't do that, it's scary and weird. Where have you been?", I wondered with a smile as I let my heart go back to it's normal pace. James didn't smile though. He looked at me with... annoyance it looked like. 

"I've been busy, but I figured I just had to speak to you before we part", he told me with little emotion in his voice. I tilted my head and let a frown find my features. He was acting strange. I tried to remember a moment when I had seen him have that expression on his face. It was hard and I could only come up with one moment. That time he had been rude towards Scorpius at the World Cup. Why was he looking at me like that.

"What is it?", I wondered with worry in my voice. I tried really hard to come up with a reason to why he looked so annoyed and possibly discussed. I bit my lower lip a little, worried that whatever it was that was wrong was also dangerous. 

"I've come to a realization. Everything that happened this year, the letters and the messenger. You were right, it wasn't my fault. It was your fault. Had I not met you I would have been fine. I mean I was fine during that period when we weren't speaking. You were the reason to everything that was wrong this year. I actually want to be happy and not get kidnapped so I figured I would just distance myself from the reason to my misery", he spoke after a sigh. My mind blanked with confusion. Was I actually hearing him saying those words? Was he really saying what I thought he was saying? I opened my mouth to speak a couple of times but I was too confused to know what to say. He couldn't be serious, could he?

"What?", was the only word I could get out at last. It was filled with the confusion and fright I was actually starting to feel since he hadn't started to denying his words. His expression didn't change, he didn't suddenly tell me that it was all just a joke. 

"I'm breaking up with you is what I'm saying. I mean, there wasn't really a future for the two of us anyway. You're not even a witch. Everyone knows that long distance relationships don't work, especially when one of the people in the relationship is causing the other one actual misery. Sorry." He didn't sound sorry. My mouth fell slightly agape as I looked up at him with pain in my eyes. His expression never changed to what I wanted to see. There was no regret. He simply looked annoyed, as if he wanted me to realize what he was saying. I was starting to do so. James was breaking up with me. He was telling me that I caused him misery. He didn't care about me. There was really nothing that could stop the tears from reaching my eyes. As they did I saw the annoyance stay on James' face and I felt the need to flee. 

"Okay", I quickly just got out before turning around and rushing through all the people. I couldn't cry in front of him. I couldn't let him see me break down, not when he so clearly didn't care. Not when it would only prove how he had no feelings for me what so ever. The pain inside of me was rushing around and I felt like just crawling into a pile on the floor, but that didn't change how I felt about breaking in front of people. I still couldn't do that, no matter how much it hurt. And it hurt, more than I could explain. I barely even got to the bathroom at Kings Cross before the tears started falling. All I wanted was to disappear. 

A/N: Hello everyone! This is the last chapter before the epilogue. I hope you have enjoyed this and that you liked it enough to vote( *wink wink*) Seriously though, thank you for reading this!! There will be a sequel but I don't know when I will start writing it. I can promise that I won't wait too long though :)


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