Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"Hey, can you tell me what it says on the board?" I turned to my right and when I saw who it was I dropped the pen I was chewing. I bent down and got it removing the cap, the only bitten part and throwing it on the side of the desk. He kept his eyes on me the whole time and I didn't like it. But it was 'cause he was waiting for me to tell him.

"Why are you all the way back here if you can't see?" I replied not about to list everything that was written up there.

"I have my reasons," he replied raising his eyebrows, "could be the same reason you're back here too." I narrowed my eyes at him while he leaned back on his chair.

"Yeah, right, okay Blondie," I replied then just decided to hand him my notebook since I was done. He grinned, pleased. He started writing it down and I put my head on my desk.

In the middle of his writing I heard, "don't call me Blondie, my name's Ross." I made some weird sound because I was tired and I didn't wanna reply. I heard him chuckle next to me. I rolled my eyes still watching him write. I didn't know I had history class with him. Wasn't that wonderful? Then I rolled my eyes at myself. I started to yawn and I wished I could sleep. "Thanks, Haven." He said handing my notebook back at me. I was about to ask him how he knew my name but then I saw the giant doodle of my name on my notebook. I lightly hit my head against my notebook, at least he didn't see anything else. When I was really bored I would just doodle some stuff.

The bell rang and I quickly jumped up following the rest of the class out the door. When I reached my next class the door was locked so I leaned against the wall. I watched everyone walk to their classes while some stood and talked. A few other people lined up behind me. I slowly turned my head narrowing my eyes at Ross.

"What?" He smirked.

"You don't have this class." He shrugged and leaned against the wall looking up.

"I know, but it's only a couple doors down." I just nodded and went back to looking around. I could hear Ross tapping his feet next to me and he started to hum. Then he moved his head side to side and I didn't know why but it was annoying me.

Another bell rang and suddenly Ross grabbed my arm and pulled me away. My eyes went wide as I tried to get out of his hold but he had a strong grip. I didn't wanna yell or scream so I just waited to see where he would take me. Though it was a challenge for him since I would stop every few steps. I was waiting for him to get mad or to give up but he never did. He finally stopped by the parking lot. He didn't turn or anything. He stood there still holding on and I was about to say something but his hold on my arm got tighter.

I slapped his hand but that didn't do anything. I tilted my head to the side trying to get a view of his face but he turned the other direction. He rubbed his face and a few seconds later turned around. He let go of me, smiling.

"Uhhh," was all I managed to say. I took a step back and pointed behind me, "I'm gonna go back now."

"Wait," he said. I sighed staying in place.


"Let's get out of here," he said. I looked back at the school and scratched my arm from my nervousness. I wanted to leave though. I didn't like this school at all. I had no one here and finally there was someone talking to me, even though he was the other weird kid. But he was considered the hot weird kid. I was known as just a weirdo freak. So I did dress a little dark, and by that I meant my whole outfit was usually all black/mostly black, and I liked to hide my face with my hair. Did that make me a freak?

He was still watching me as I moved my hair away from my cheek placing it behind my ear. I pressed my lips together looking back at the school again and back at him. He raised his eyebrows this time. Well, he was cute and what harm would it do to miss one day?

He saw that I took a step forward and he gave me his hand. I slid my hand in my sleeve as I took his hand and he dragged me to whatever destination he seemed to have in mind. Normally, I wouldn't follow anyone or ditch school but everything here was different so I, for some reason felt like doing something I usually wouldn't do. But I did stop from time to time and he'd stop too. I would have this battle with my mind of whether this was the right decision or not. I was surprised about the amount of patience he had. All the guys I knew before would get really angry in a few seconds.

Eventually he stopped walking but I didn't realize and I collided with his back. He looked over his shoulder and I smiled like a fool. I walked right next to him a little annoyed that he took me to a park further than the one closer to our school. This one was a lot smaller and not many people came here. Well, by the looks of it anyway. I knew this was a bad idea.

"Take me back," I said turning around, I would walk back alone but I was sort of lost. He didn't move but place his backpack on the ground. "Take me back!" I yelled this time but he just turned to look at me. "Fine!" I went over and sat on the only bench here. "I can wait, we're not gonna be here forever." He lightly chuckled, and for some reason I got the chills.

He walked over and jumped up on the table. Then he slowly laid on it. He turned to me and smiled, closing his eyes.

"I don't get it."

He sighed, "there's nothing to get. It's a relaxing day away from all that, can't you just enjoy it?"

"It's only the second day of school, I'm afraid to know what will happen in a week or a month," I replied shaking my head. "And aren't you new here? How are we gonna get back?"

"I've lived here for a few years, the last year I moved and now I'm back. I know where everything is here so don't worry." 

"Okay, if you've lived here before, why does everyone look at you like you're a new kid?" 

"I was homeschooled before," he repled. 

"Lucky," I whispered, "what changed your mind?"

"It got a little lonely," I heard him change position on the table. Well actually he jumped down. He turned to me for a second. I looked back at him. He began to walk further into the park, who knew there was more to it. But I didn't follow. I was afraid to follow and to stay here but I decided to stay. I started to twirl my hair, feeling nervous. I should've stayed at school, I wasn't having fun and I was feeling guilty for even being here. I've never done this, I guess you could say I was a goody-goody. But I was a bit shy and just did what was right, even when I was with my old friends. But I was more outgoing with them. I looked at my phone, scrolling through my contacts. I still had all their numbers but we never texted each other. I frowned, I wish I never moved. 

I jumped when I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. "Sorry, didn't mean to." He said sitting down next to me. I waved it away. I set my phone on the table putting my hand on my chin and staring into the distance. Ross started drumming with his hands. Then the humming started again. I turned to him, couldn't he just sit in silence for once? 

"Wanna be a drummer?" I asked watching him. He went on for another few seconds then stopped. 

"Already know how to play," he replied. 

"Couldn't find people to form a band?" Ross looked away from me. He looked down, his eyes seemed far away. I just blinked, watching and waiting. But it felt like I said something wrong or horrible. There was nothing wrong with what I asked, right? Unless he was in a band and got kicked out but it wouldn't affect him like this, would it? For some reason I didn't like seeing him like that. "Ross?" he didn't come back from wherever his mind was. "Ross, I'm sorry?" It came out more like a question. Still nothing, I was beginning to worry. I had my hand inside my sleeve as I placed it on his arm, "blondie." I whispered but more as a joke, hoping to get a smile out of him. 

"We should go," he got up walking away, not even waiting for me as I followed slowly behind.

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