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Damon dropped me off at my house and left saying that he's hungry or something. I don't wanna know what he's gonna have as his breakfast but I'm sure it's not on my breakfast's list, ever.

I opened the door and found Jacob and Jeremy on the couch in the living room and Elena and Jenna in kitchen. I didn't expect Jake to be in living room right now. Time's never in my favour.

"Hey, Trix!" Elena rushed to me. I struggled so much to avoid eye contact with Jake.

"Hi." I said and headed to the stairs.

"Did you've breakfast? If not, come join us." Elena said, grabbing my hand.

"I'll be down after a shower and all that but I still feel sleepy." I said rubbing my eyes.

"Sleepyhead." Jeremy chuckled. Pfft. Now, by mistake, I locked eyes with Jake. He looked sad and worried. Crap! My tiny heart melted immediately looking at his face. So, I looked away from him.

"Okay! Take a nap. I'll bring the food upstairs later." My cousin suggested. Awe. I grinned and hugged her before climbing up the stairs but certain wolf boy blocked my way.

I had no energy to ask him 'what' or any other questions with harsh tone. So, I just tried to side step and climb past him but he held my wrist and stopped me.

"Trix, I'm so sorry." He said those words which any person would say at this kinda circumstance. Isn't there any other word? I looked up his face and realized that he's being sincere but the hurt feeling was still there, like a gum stuck to my shoe.

"I'm not mad at you, Jake." I said in a low voice, looking at his eyes.

'I'm mad at myself for trusting you with my life. But all you ever did was choose that bitch when the one who was in danger was ME.' I thought this in my mind. If I said it out loud, then there would be some unnecessary drama here. I'm sleepy, so I saved some valuable time for myself by shutting my mouth.

"Really?" He asked, hopefully.

I nodded and hugged him, really tight. He hugged me back, of course, that's what people do, right?

I hit my room and fell flat on my bed. I'm too exhausted from crying all night. I shouldn't have cried so much. I think I emptied my tear glands. What am I gonna do the next time, if I wanna cry?


Third person's POV:

Edward was in his music room sitting in front of his piano but he wasn't playing. He was deep in thoughts.

He'd no idea why Trixie was acting strange and more distant ever since that Victoria incident. Edward and Trixie were really close even after Bella came into the picture. Edward did a wild guess that may be Trixie is scared of vampires after that incident and that's why she's more distant but she was okay to be around others. The more he thought, the more he got confused.

Since he was in no mood to play the piano, he left that room and planned to go out to hunt.

As he crossed the living room, he could see Alice being frozen in her place.

She was having a vision. Edward could see it through her thoughts too.


Trixie was climbing down the stairs but she trips and fall from the stairs, rolling all the way down. She becomes unconscious since her head gets injured.

Alice gasps loudly and cover her mouth in shock. Edward was stunned and didn't know what to do.

"What should we do?" Alice starts to panic. Jasper, Emmet and Esme rush to the living room.

"What's wrong?" Esme asks Edward and Jasper hugs Alice, since she started crying.

"She got a vision of Trixie falling from the stairs." Edward struggled to recall that vision but somehow told them. Esme started freaking out either.

"Mom, just calm down. We can stop her from getting hurt." Emmet assured her and hugged her sideways. Just then, Edward remembered that Jacob was there with Trixie. He quickly took out his mobile phone and called Jacob.

Jacob's mobile was in Elena's pocket since Jacob had to shift. Only now, Jacob left the girls and ran elsewhere to shift back to human.

Elena took Jake's phone out of her pocket and saw the display. She knows Edward but haven't spoken to him before, so she hesitated to answer the call. She finally answered the call.

"Hello, this is Elena." She said after answering.

"Is Trixie there?" Edward asked straightaway.

"No, she's at home. Is something wrong?" As Elena replied, Jake came into view and asked who was it?

"Jake's here." Elena handed the phone to Jake and mouthed it was Edward.

"What?" Jake asked, blankly.

"Can you disconnect the call? I'm hearing some voices." Caroline said and she concentrates in the surrounding. Jake shrugs and disconnects Edward's call saying that he'd talk later.

Edward had no other choice, than to call Trixie herself. He called her but she didn't pick it up at all because she was sleeping but Edward assumed it was because of that strange phases or something and growled. Alice tried calling Trixie for her phone but she didn't pick that up either.

The Cullens completely forgot that Carlisle had Jenna's number and the house number.

Edward tried calling up to Jacob but he didn't answer the call either.

"What's up with these people?" Edward groaned and grabbed his car keys.

"I'm coming too." Alice said, blocking his way. Edward decided to drive all the way to Mystic falls. He nodded and both of them hurriedly packed their stuffs and hopped in Edward's car. Jasper and Emmet stayed back with Esme. They said they would be there in two days.

Alice quickly sent a text to Jacob about her vision but Jacob was running along with the girls.

The Salvatore brothers got shot by cops in the woods and Caroline takes off in that direction. So, Jacob didn't see the message too.


Trixie's POV:

I woke up around 1pm and found a note stuck on my mirror.

'We're going out. There are some pancakes in fridge. Call me, once you wake up. Caroline and Bonnie are with me too.' ~ Elena

There was another message on the post-it.

'We're gonna have some wolf time. ;)'

Wolf time? What does that mean? Oh! He's gonna shift in front of her and show off his russet coloured wolf. I hope, my cousin doesn't faint by seeing him in wolf form.

I pulled myself up and stepped out of my room when my mobile blared in my pocket. Oh, shit! I slept with my mobile in my pocket?!??? It must have got suffocated. I'm glad, it's still working. Thank you, Lord.

It was....Bonnie? Weird. She never calls me. I mean, we aren't that close.

"Hi, Bonnie! Having fun with the wolf?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Um- Trixie, I've something to tell you." She sounded a bit shaky.

"Yeah, tell me." I was too curious and nervous now. I was climbing down the stairs really slow.

"Damon and Stefan got shot with wooden bullets by Sheriff." Bonnie dropped a huge bomb on my head and my heart stopped, literally.

"Whaaaat?" I shouted but didn't last long to hear Bonnie's reply because I tripped and slid down the stairs like a log, banging my head in the process.

When I landed flat on the floor, my whole body ached, terribly and I felt giddy.



Elena's Cousin( The Vampire Diaries/Twilight crossover)Where stories live. Discover now