Chapter 5

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Song: Meghan's Theme by Adam Snow (feat Gabrielle Aplin)

   I sighed as Adam dragged me to the open field. The clouds had finally taken over the sky, signaling for a storm soon.
" What the hell are we doing here?" I asked. I snuggled my face further into the hem of my jacket. Adam grinned and placed the soccer ball on the ground. 

" A one-on-one game. I never got to play against you before, it will be fun." I sighed. Had he really dragged me out in this weather to play a soccer game. 

" You know they're having pancakes today for breakfast," I reminded him. 
" So, you don't eat the food anyway," he said. Damn, I was hoping that it would work. When we were younger, Adam was a sucker for pancakes--never missed breakfast when they had them. 

" Come on Adam, I don't want to play in this weather. Maybe next time." He smirked. " Alright, this is declared my victory then." 

" What? We haven't even played." 
" But you declined. So, that means I win by default." I sighed. I knew I would never hear the end of this conversation if I didn't play him. I took off my jacket, throwing it on the bench and walked toward him. 

" Alright, if I win then you have to leave me alone on this soccer thing," I told him. He smiled and nodded. " Deal." 


I sighed as Adam made another goal into the net. It was 5-8 and him making the last goal, made it nine. I sat down on the grass out of breath. I had been playing soccer since I was younger, being the best. I always defeated everyone I faced, because I was always fast. Where did those years go? 

As Adam kicked the ball towards me, I caught it easily. " What happened to you?" he asked as he walked over. I shrugged. 

" No desire to play anymore I guess." 

" Really? I never defeated you when we were younger. I guess now was my chance to." He grinned. I rolled my eyes as he took a seat next to me on the grass. 

" I could have been sleeping in right now," I muttered. Adam smiled. " Yeah, but I found it fun when you played me. Reminds me when we were kids, we didn't care about what happened--all we wanted to do was play." 

" Now, there's a lot of crap going on," I added. Adam faced me. " You noticed too right?" I looked at him. " Noticed what?" 

" Anthony's disappearance. That's all I'm here right now." 

" Wait, you mean everyone in Shadow Star knows about Anthony?" He nodded. " Damn, everyone was so happy the other day, now they're all worried about Anthony." 

" But, the important question is if he's alive or not," Adam said. I nodded. It didn't matter if we found. We needed to find him still breathing and moving. 

" Do you think he is?" he asked. I shook my head. " No one can die easily like that. Sure, if you have a gun or knife--then that would make the death easy. The only thing that is a hassle is the blood that they would have to clean up." 

Adam snickered. " Sounds like you know you're crimes. You've been reading way too much of those mystery books that you got from Ms. Coleman." 

I flinched from the cold air that passed us. " Alright, now I need my jacket. Can you get it for me?" Adam frowned. " I'm not your servant," he said. 

I pouted. " Please," I begged. He then sighed and stood up to grab my jacket. I grinned. " Thank you!" I called. 
He waved his hand in the air, saying no problem. Adam was always so settled and calm during tough situations, but this time might have been different. 

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