Chapter 2

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I sat down in the back of the room waiting for Ms. Wood to come. All the other teenagers were causally talking around the classroom. One of the girls, Mara, came towards me with a small smile on her face.

" What's the matter Alison?" she asked. " You're much quieter than usual." I shrugged.

" I think my memories might be coming back soon, but the about how I was an experiment was the one that keeps repeating in my mind."

She nodded in understanding. " I see. That's how you got the scar on your back, right?" I nodded. When I came to Shadow Star everyone was curious about the wound that ran down my back. Even though it pained me, I had explained to them what happened. It was embarrassing for someone like me.

" Anyway, how is Mira doing? I heard about how sick she was."

" She's fine. Lively as ever, nothing really changed. Though, I think there was something in the food. She became sick after she ate that potato salad about three days ago."

" How do you remember what we had for dinner three nights ago?" I asked. She grinned toothy. " I have a good memory when it comes to these things. I remember when Mara and I were younger, we used to ran down the neighborhood causing trouble."

" Really? Mira I understand, but you caused trouble Mara?" She nodded. " We got in trouble quite a lot with our elders."

Ms. Wood then appeared in the classroom. All the students went back to their assigned seats, but the only problem was that the others weren't here.

Ms. Woods noticed and sighed. " They're late again," she muttered. As she said it, the others came through the door, exhausted. I groaned.

" You're late," she told them.

" Yes, we're sorry Ms. Woods," Claire said. They all walked to their seats. Abby and Jane sat on the other side of me, looking quite embarrassed.

" Alright, let's start with the lesson."


Ms. Woods left the room for lunch time. Some of the teenagers went to get some lunch from the cafeteria while others just stayed behind.  Jane stood up in her chair. " Are you two getting something to eat?" she asked. 

I shook my head. " Mara was telling me about how Mira got sick earlier. They don't cook the food well here." 

Abby sighed. " I guess you're right. You now ruined my appetite Ali."
I smiled sheepishly. " Sorry, but it's true." 

Jane rolled her eyes. " Well, I'll get something to eat. This is the only break we're gonna have until noon comes around." Jane exited the classroom, leaving Abby and I in our seats. 

" Do you really believe Mira was sick all this time?" Abby suddenly asked.
" What do you mean? It seemed like a good excuse to me, since there's nothing else to do in this orphanage."

" There's always the soccer field," Abby mentioned. 

" Yeah, but she's out in the open. Admit it, there's nothing to do in this torture chamber." Abby smirked. " If you keep talking about it, then this place will seem quite boring to you." 

" And it hasn't already," I argued. Being trapped in this place for years, with nothing to do, was torture. We all wanted to leave this place and explore the outside world. It was almost like we were prisoners. 

" Anyway, have you heard from Anthony at all?" Abby asked. I shook my head.
" I thought he would be sick as well from eating too much cake for his birthday," I joked. Though, Abby wasn't paying attention to my remark. 

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