Chapter 3

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      When dinner came around, we all gathered around the fire, listening to Jane sing a song on her guitar. I put my hand on my cheek listening. She was more confident than ever. I remember when she couldn't even say her name in front of everyone in the cafeteria one the first day. She was like a flower who hasn't bloomed yet. Now, she was opening up to everyone. 
Everyone had showed her respect as well--except for Chloe and Mae, who were whispering about Jane. I rolled my eyes. The two of them always thought they were the leaders of Shadow Star. 

Once Jane finished her song, she set down her guitar and was greeted with an applause. " She has improved," Adam said. I nodded. Jane quickly made her way back to her seat. As she did, she covered her face from embarrassment.

Claire put her hand on her shoulder and whispered something into Jane's ear. Ms. Coleman then stood up. 

" Alright, I know you all know our new member: Ellen." As her name was said, Ellen stood up with a smile. Everyone clapped for her, except for me. 

" I thank Jane for playing her guitar for our new member, now dinner is finished. The younger kids must be in their assigned cabins at nine o'clock. The teenagers will be in their cabins at ten o'clock," Ms. Coleman explained. " Dismissed." 


After dinner, we all went to the soccer field to watch Jimmy and Carlos versing the boys. Jimmy and Carlos were still fixed on the idea of winning against them, but they looked like they would lose miserably.

" Are you sure that they can win?" I asked Ella, who was sitting with us on the bleachers. She nodded confidently. 

" They're too hard-headed to let anything get past them. I'm sure of it." Abby chuckled. " Well, they need some more practice that's for sure." I watched as Adam kick the ball into the goal. Jimmy and Carlos groaned in disbelief. 

" Aw, they got another point," Ella muttered. Abby sighed and stood up. " Alright, those two need some help. Maybe I should join the team." 

" Huh? Why you?" Jane questioned. 
" When I first came here, soccer was the first thing that made me happy--and it still does. Jimmy! Carlos! I'll help you!" Abby called as she jogged over to them. 

From far away, both Jimmy and Carlos were whispering to each other, but they finally agreed to let her play. As they continued, Abby scored them two points. 

" Wow, Abigail is really good," Ella commented. I nodded. I had played Abby once before, but it ended up with me getting a bruise on my face. She's too competitive. 

Ella continued to cheer for Jimmy, Carlos, and Abby--the boys were at the stacks here with Abby on the other team. In the end, the boys won the game. 

Abby sighed and fell onto the grass on her back. " I can't...believe we lost," she breathed out. I giggled and offered her a hand. " Well, we have to get back to our cabin before Ms. Coleman chews us out." Abby gladly took my hand and sat up. 

" Well, I don't care what that old woman says--no one does. I hated her since the day I was brought to this place." 

" You never told me that story, can you tell me?"
Abby shook her head. " Not now, maybe when we get back to the cabin." 

I nodded. " Alright." 


Jane, Abby, and I entered our cabin after Ms. Coleman scolded us harshly. They were really strict about curfew in this place, but it only seemed weird. We were all silent until Jane spoke. 

" I'm gonna take a shower," she said as she grabbed her clothing. 

" Nice performance tonight," I told her. She looked back to give me a smile. As she closed the door, Abby sat on her bed, sighing. 

" Alright, now tell me the story. Why do you hate Ms. Coleman so much?" I asked. Abby looked up at me and shook her head. 

" I don't want to talk about it. So much of my past came back to me recently, and it's giving me a hard time." 

" You got your memories back?" I exclaimed. " That's great!" 

" No it's not," she snapped. " They're terrible memories, ones I don't like. For you, it's different--you only have that one memory about how you got the scar and your arrival to Shadow Star. Mine, are painful, I wish I didn't remember them in the first place." 

I crossed my arms. " This is the first time I've seen you being honest about your feelings. It must be serious then." 
Abby nodded. " Like how you are when you have a nightmare. I hate it." 

I sighed. " Alright, you don't have to tell me everything if it pains you to say something. I swear, you remind me of Mira sometimes--the girl is strong like you, but has a soft spot." 

Abby laughed lightly. " I don't have the same strength as that girl." 

I smiled. " If we're up any longer than Ms. Coleman would chew us out even more." 

" Alright, goodnight." 


 I woke up with my body covered in sweat once again. Every time I have that nightmare, I could feel the weapon puncturing into my skin. My scar would start hurting as well, almost like it happened all over again. In front of my bed, Jane shifted in her sheets. It wasn't even close to morning and I was already making her worry. I stared down at my clenched hands. I wanted to get my memories back--find out who my parents were and the friends I had before everything went to hell.  

I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. Maybe splashing some water on my face would make me feel better. I turned on the light to find my tired self in the mirror. There were dark bags underneath my eyes, making me look like a zombie. 

I sighed and turned on the water, quickly splashing the water on my face. Even though I had class in less than a couple of hours, I didn't want to go at all. I didn't feel like hearing another lecture at eight o'clock in the morning. 

I heard a groan from the next room." Ali, are you up?" Jane asked tiredly. 

" Yeah, I'm sorry to have waken you up once again. I haven't been feeling well either." I heard footsteps approach me from behind, showing Jane in the mirror. Her curly blond hair was sticking up in the air and her clothing was crumpled. 

She yawned. " Well, I'm awake right now, need something?" I shook my head. " I don't think I can make it to class in the morning," I said. " I haven't gotten any sleep. Sure, Ms. Woods is gonna be pissed, but I can't keep my eyes open." 

Jane smiled. " Alright, you need your rest. Go to bed then." Jane left the bathroom, and crawled back into her bed. A small smile was placed on her lips as she relaxed. It was then my turn to go to sleep, but I was overcome by the same nightmare. 

I wanted this memory out of my head. I wanted my real memories to come back to me. 

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