"I think you're heading to a very dangerous direction, mate."

"I made it to impress the ladies," Piper said, still dangling the purse in front of Sawyer's nose. "Susannah Lambert-Pendlewick thought it was so adorable."

"And still she wouldn't go out with you, shorty. Will you put that away!" Maddox grabbed Piper's finger and whacked the purse.

"She'll crack." Piper bent down to pick the purse from the floor. "Next time we'll start on crocheted gloves."

"Oh, for heaven's sake!" Maddox slapped Piper on the head. "Shut up now if you don't want me to rearrange your nose. Saw, I have the list of the Wrestling Group members."

"Perfect." Sawyer dug out his own list to compare it with Maddox's. "Ah, we forgot George Walton-Fotheringay. He's perfect, really strong and good at Silversong."

"Have you thought about a place where we could meet?" Maddox asked. "It will be difficult to do this in secret if we get all these people to attend."

"I have indeed. What say you of the library?"

"Are you out of your mind?" Maddox spluttered. "It's full of Paras!"

"Yes, but not in the Silversong section. It's perfectly situated at the back, too, so nobody can sneak in."

"What about the liberals?" Piper asked. "They use the library. At least Caspar sits there all the time."

Sawyer threw him a dark look.

"We'll meet early in the morning, before the library is even open. All the crammers stay there late at night, but they'll be sound asleep at, say, four am."

"Four in the morning?" Maddox groaned. "Just kill me now."

"Well, it's this or getting pushed over by the Paras. I'll compile the final list of people tonight, and both I and Bartholomew will send Parches to everyone tomorrow morning. I was thinking we'd meet early on Thursday morning."

After finishing their lunches, they left the hall and went to the second floor where the Silversong practice room was. The door was wide open, and a few people were practising chants in front of the large mirror that covered one of the walls.

"Hello boys," said a soft voice, and Mia limped to their side. "Can you imagine that this is my first time in this class? I've been to Silversong one, two, and four so far."

"Don't you have a timetable?" Sawyer asked and took out his staff. "Maddox, do you have a cloth with you?"

"Nope," Maddox said and held his staff high against the light streaming in from the window. "I don't care if I have a few spots on mine. Still does the job."

"Or not, judging by that recent demonstration of your wine-pouring skills," Sawyer said and opened a trunk by the door. It was full of crystal bottles and silk cloths.

"What are these?" Mia picked up a bottle. "Liquid Gold. Do you use these for your staffs?"

"Sure, polish and protect them." Sawyer gestured at Piper, who was pouring a rivulet of gold right above the leather hilt of his staff.

"I must try it." Mia unscrewed the cork. "You just put it on your staff? Like this?" She tilted the bottle, and a stream of gold burst onto her staff and to the floor.

Sawyer cringed.

"Not that much, you're not supposed to give it a bath. Just a little, and then rub it off with a cloth."

"Saw, come here!" Maddox was waving at the door, surrounded by three people Sawyer recognized as older students. He left Mia polishing her staff with her mouth on a concentrated knot.

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