April's POV;

"HEY GUYS! LOUIS AND ZAYN ARE HOME!" I said hugging them and quickly pulled them into the kitchen where a massive buffet of food was laid out before us. I licked my lips and quickly dug in whilst Louis slowly ate and then went up to his room. I knew something was up so quickly followed him up. I heard him singing one of my favourite songs and listened outside the door.

You're just a Small Bump unborn, Four months you're brought to life,

You might be left with my hair, but you'll have your Mother's eyes,

I'll hold your body in my hands be as gentle as I can, and now your scan on

My unmade plans,

Small bump four months then brought to life


I'll whisper quietly, I'll give you nothing but truth,

If your not inside me, I'll put my future in you


Cause you are my one, and only.

And You can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight.

Oh you are my one, and only.

You can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight.

And you'll be alright.

[Verse 2:]

Your just a small bump unknown and you'll grow into your skin.

With a smile like hers and a dimple beneath your chin.

Finger nails the size of a half grain of rice.

And eyelids closed to be soon opened wide a small bump, in Four months

You'll open your eyes.


And I'll hold you tightly, And tell you nothing but truth,

If your not inside me, I'll put my future in you


You are my one, and only.

You can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight.

Oh you are my one, and only.

You can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight.

And you'll be alright.

[Verse 3:]

And You can lie with me, with your tiny feet when your half asleep, I'll leave You be.

Right in front of me for a couple weeks.

So I can keep you safe.


Cause you are my one, and only.

You can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight.

Oh you are my one, and only.

You can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight.

And you'll be alright.

[Verse 4:]

Your just a small bump unborn just four months then torn from life.

Maybe you were needed up there but we're still un-aware as why

I swung open the door and walked inside to see Louis with tears streaming down his face laying there on his bed. "Eleanor's pregnant and you don't want it?" I asked hoping my guess was accurate. He jumped up startled by my presence and nodded. "How did you know?"

"I can read people easily. The big news and you running out on us and then you getting Zayn to come and help you and then not eating and the biggest clue was small bump." I said sadly and he nodded and laid back down. "Oh...What do you think I should do?" I walked over to his bed and sat on it cross legged beside him. "You know what I think. I think you should tell Eleanor the truth. She will be reasonable, there is no point bringing a child into this world if you think that you can't look after it. Louis you are only twenty two and you have your whole life ahead of you, why the rush ey? You can always try again when you are ready!" I smiled faintly and he nodded brightening up a bit. "You girls always do stick together. I'll tell her then. Thank you April, you are the best."

"What you going to do about the baby?" I asked happily.

" Me and El will work it out together." 

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