Yours.(Makoto Hanamiya)

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-Thank you for requesting! Enjoy! This is the hundredth chapter of this book already LOL.-

You heave over the toilet again as the sickness was getting worse and worse. Even the slightest scent of anything would set you off. Ever since you found out you were pregnant with your husband's baby, he seemed to be putting a little more attention for you. He was definitely not the man to be fussing over you, but he cared for you in his own way, despite saying things that totally contradicted his actions.

"Seriously. What the hell is wrong with you...." He sighs as he runs circles into your back as you suffer with another wave of nausea.

He peers into your pale face and realizes that you had not been doing so well the last couple of weeks. You slept quite a lot and never ate enough when you could. The worry caused a sharp pain in his chest as he helps your fragile body up after you were finally done. He feels your arm trembling as it loops around his muscular one for support. Usually, he would have thought of something crude to say, but nothing left his mouth this time.

He lifts you up gently and helps you into the soft and warm bed before dropping a kiss to your forehead that lingered longer than usual. Just as he turns to leave, you manage to grab on to his finger weakly. You didn't have much strength, but it was like your touch had immobilized him to the spot.

"Stay with me...Makoto." You hum as the sleepiness made you slur.

You hear him heave a small sigh through his nose before climbing into bed next to you. You had never seen him so careful with you, and it was a shame that you couldn't enjoy it as much as you wanted to. He runs his fingers through your (Hair Color) hair before stroking your arm comfortingly.

You remembered when you had first met him, he was the most disgusting and horrifying people you had ever met. But then you had the privilege of breaking his tough shell to reveal a twisted man that dealt with his problems by hurting others. He had hurt you countless times, sometimes even physically, but you never gave up on him.

There was no doubt that you loved him. Love was such a strange feeling and thing. You would never had dreamed about marrying someone like Hanamiya, well, I don't think anyone does. You also knew that Makoto loved you to bits as well. That was probably why your marriage was lasting as long as it has. Now with a child on the way, you both seemed inseparable. Your relationship was the loving proof that opposites do indeed attract.

As your thoughts wander aimlessly, you are brought back to reality by a strong pressure on your stomach. You instantly flinch and place a hand on your womb protectively as the discomfort began. Makoto does not say anything, but searches your eyes with concern.

"What's wrong? You're not in pain are you?" He murmurs and you shake your head slightly before pulling his hand as you place it on the small area which was protruding with every kick.

"That's our baby." You whisper sleepily before your breathing slows down rapidly as you enter another oblivion for the night.

Makoto keeps his hand on your stomach as he stares intently at your sleeping face. His heart was throbbing and he couldn't tell if it was a good thing or bad thing. Maybe this was what love really felt like. He has messed around a lot with girls during his high school days, but this was something that knocked all those experiences right out of the park. Another strong kick makes impact with his palm as if the baby was scolding him for his past.

His lips curl up into a small smile as he pulled the duvet over your body gently. Even if he still had troubles expressing his affection for you; he knew one thing for certain.

You had stumbled straight into the spider's cobweb and there was no way you were going to escape his grasp.

You were his and he was yours.

Kuroko no Basket Imagines {Continued}.Where stories live. Discover now