Then Finnick appeared with his arms crossed. "I've been waiting for you to tell them." "No, your lying." "Dustin you know its the truth, ever since you met me." Dustin stood up, "you told me Jason was my father." "Oops," Finnick said shrugging. "You bastard you made me kill innocent people." Dustin yelled as his eyes turned black and his hair turned electric blue. "I didn't make you do anything Dustin. You listened to me and became a king just like me. You know what they say, like father like son." "I am not like you," Dustin said before grabbing onto Finnick and punching him. "So you wanna fight? Fine."  He said before grabbing Dustin and throwing him. He landed in the living room breaking the couch and lifting the floor boards. He gets up and decided to take the fight outside. He ran out the front door and jumped to the tree tops before blocking his scent off.

     "Dustin, come out come out where ever you are. I might've taught you too well. How bout we play a game son. You come out and we'll have a little chat or your gorgeous mate and I have a little chat." Finnick says snapping his fingers and causing Katana to appear. "Finnick why am I not surprised," she said glaring at him. "Well I see your beginning to be civilized," he says nodding towards her straightened hair. She frowned at him, "I'm doing this for Dustin." "As his mate or second in command?" She looked away from Finnick and Dustin saw a flash of hurt in her eyes. "Come on Katana you know what he thinks of you. You're one of his strong soldiers." Dustin jumped down from the tree, "Kat you know you're more than that and you know how I feel about you." "Actually no I don't," she answered truthfully. Dustin turned towards Finnick, "you needed to talk to me." Katana went to walk away but Dustin grabbed her arm, "we'll talk about this later Kat. I promise." She simply nodded her head before walking towards the woods. Dustin wanted to follow her but he knew he couldn't. "Why go after her," he asked glaring at Finnick. "Because son, she's your heart."

~Kol's P.O.V~

"Daddy!" Madison yelled holding her arms out to me. "Hey princess, where's mommy?" I asked picking her up. She smiled and pointed to our room door. I put her down, "go play with your cousins ok?" I told her while putting her down. "Ok daddy." She said before running off, I waited until she was out of sight to go into the room.

  "Anna can we talk?" I asked looking at her sit on our bed. "If your asking for us to leave again Kol I-" "No, not that. Anna I need you and Madison, here safe with me." I say pulling her into my arms. "Are you ok?" I shook my head, "after everything... All these years of trying to protect you and keep you safe and you have no idea why I was doing that." "Well that's because you told me that you were doing it for a good reason." "The reason was me," I admit looking away from her. "Kol what are you talking about." I look down at the floor, "you were never safe with me Anna." "Kol I-" "No Anna you need to hear this, I haven't been honest with you... or anyone... or myself. I've tried to be the good guy, but I'm not..."

~No one's P.O.V~

   "Katana! Kat where the hell are you?!" Dustin yelled walking aimlessly around the woods. "Up here," Katana said making Dustin look up at her. She was sitting on a tree branch examining the life less body resting on a tree. "Kat, we've had this talk. You can't eat your feelings. Especially when you've gone so long without blood." She rolled her eyes at him and dropped the body from the tree. "I can feed if I want Dustin, you can't stop me." "You can stop yourself Kat." "I don't wanna Dustin. Afraid your little soldier might go off the rails again? I started off as a vampire anyways." "You don't have to feed anymore Kat. You're not a vampire anymore." "I don't care," she said jumping down from the tree.


  "Dustin, nephew I have a present for you." Finnick said walking into the living room in their palace. "Unless I can kill you and have the crown leave me alone Uncle." Dustin says frowning at him. "Actually I got you your own crown." Dustin stood from the couch, "what?" "Dustin your the only one of your kind. You're alone." Dustin glares at him, "I don't care." "Yes you do," he says before snapping his fingers. Then there was a girl standing there. She had crazy, kinky curly, light skin, and had blood all over her. She looked wild as she stood there and hissed at them. "This is a girl I found from the Amazon." "You found a vampire uncle." "Exactly. She's wild and untamed. I've figured out a way where you can make people like you, Cursers. You can rule them... be their king, all you have to do is bite her." Finnick explained smirking at him. Dustin wasted no time to run and bite into the girls neck.

Crystal Banks 2 ~Sequel to Crystal Banks~ *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now