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The castle was haunted.

That was what the warlord who managed to overthrow Gwen and Arthur's descendant said. Haunted, cursed, something. He said he could hear screams coming from the courtyard, and he refused to go back to the dungeons after the first disastrous time. It was cursed.

The manner of his death seemed to back that up. It was possible they could have removed the crown from his head, but given the general smell of burning flesh and the way it seemed almost menacing . . . That was one relic, golden or no, that could rest in his grave.

The castle was haunted.

The librarian believed it, a century later. He could hear the ghosts talking in the halls, and the shelves whispered to him. He didn't mind. It got lonely, and it was better to have strange company than none at all.

The castle was haunted.

The old soldier knew it as soon as he walked inside. The old battles still raged in echoes on the stones. He fled from them at first, but he needed work, so he didn't go far, and in time he took comfort in them. There was an honor and a clarity there that was almost refreshing compared to his own life.

The castle was haunted.

The serving maid's daughter took great comfort in the fact. The laughing voices cheered her up, and she could swear that one had a soft spot for her. Every time one of those awful bullies tried to pull something on her, he would protect her. They were friends, and when she took ill and couldn't breathe right, she wasn't scared, because her ghosts were there to keep her company, and she didn't particularly mind joining them.

The castle was haunted.

The archaeologist didn't really believe that, of course, but it almost seemed to breathe with history, and there were some very strange patterns in the dust.

The castle was haunted, and yes, Gwaine, that did come with weightier responsibilities than pulling pranks on the living. Really.

The archaeologists began a minor cold war with one another over the missing elements of their lunches. Arthur would have scolded Gwaine for stealing the apples slices, but seeing as he'd accepted plundered chocolate from Merlin, he thought he'd better not.

. . . . . .

A/N: It case it wasn't clear, AU where the whole gang (including Merlin and some new additions) are haunting the castle and having waaay too much fun doing it.

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