Chapter 23

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Shelby's POV:

We walked out the bakck door and to the forest. As we neared the forest, I saw that there were more people that were walking into the forest. Tom worned me and Jay that we would smell like enemies to them. We were supossed to stay behind him, until he gave the orders.

"Siva, as soon as I turn, I am going to lead you and Jay to a safe spot. I will bite you. Jay will stay with you." I told Siva. He nodded his head and we went further into the forest. then we came upon the meeting spot for Tom's pack. When we walked in, everyone stopped and looked at us.

"What has happened?" I heard Draco ask.

"Shelby has reached her full potiental and has become an alpha. She and I have made a treaty. Her pack is not to be touched. Do you all understand me?" Tom asked them. They agreed to his terms. We all looked at the sky, at the same time. We all felt that we were about to change. I walked over to Jen and another woman.

"So what does it feel like to be an alpha?" Jen asked me. I smiled at her and shook my head.

"It is a lot harder. I have to control myself a lot more." I told her. We then began to take our clothes off.

"So Jay is yours?" The other woman asked me. I looked at Jay and I saw that he was already undressed. I looked back at the women and blushed.

"Yeah, he is mine. I am going to make the model, over there, mine also." I told them. They then giggled. I sighed and turned into my wolf, when they started to giggle. I walked over to Siva and stood next to him. He started to pet me as everyone transformed. Once Jay was a wolf, I went over to him. He saw me and met me half way.

"Follow me." I told him. I then started ot wlak into the forest. I took them about half a mile away from the other wolves. I knew that they were going to be moving around, but hopefully they wouldn't until Siva had turned. I didn't really trust Tom's pack. I knew that they would attack my pack when they were at their weakest state.

"Watch and protect Siva, until I get back here." I told Jay. I then walked over to Siva. I think that he knew that it was time. He put his arm out. I looked at him then at his arm.

"Go ahead." He told me. I licked his arm. I didn't want to hurt him. I made sure that he was sure. He looked sure. I then bit him.

He gasped in pain. I let go and I saw that there was blood that was coming out of his arm. I whined to tell him that I was sorry. He patted my head. I motioned for him to go over to Jay. He did as I said and he sat down. I made sure that Tom's pack was near them, before I left. I walked over to Tom and I saw that he was laying down. I thought that someone had killed him.

"Tom! Are you okay?" I asked him. He looked at me and smiled.

"Yeah, are you ready?" He asked me. I shook my head and I saw that the gammas didn't like me to be too close to him. I had a bad feeling.

"Let's get going." I told him. We then walked to the house. I saw that Nathan and Max were outside. We walked into the backyard and they looked at us. Max went to the shed and opened it. Tom walked to the shed and I went to Nathan. I licked his face and he petted me.

"Okay, you two. Be careful." Max told us. Tom pulled the body out and it smelt so bad. I started to whine.

"Yeah. it does smell really bad." Nathan said. I saw Tom grab a part of it and he told me to grab the other part. I walked away from Nathan and did as Tom told me to.

We walked out of the yard, with the body. We both had a leg. We dragged the body to the edge of the desert. That was when Tom put him on my back. It was gross, but that meant that Tom would havve to protect me, if we ran into a hybrid.

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