When you meet him (Donnie)

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Stupid! I am a complete idiot! Like seriously what was I thinking! You thought as you continue to run as fast as you possibly could. Why did you think it be cool to go out at night in the first place!

"GET BACK HERE!!" It was a huge talking dog and a robotic fish that was chasing you. You were terrified of what they do to you after he caught you, and at the looks of how things were going, you were gonna find out pretty darn soon.

But maybe I should explain how things got this way in the first place. You were watching anime (if you don't then a t.v. show) debating whether or you should keep watching, or start on your homework. Homework won this battle since you dad threatened he'll (Favorite/Things) away if you didn't get started. Your dad didn't joke around when it came to school, but other than that he was a laidback guy. He was actually an overwhelming father who loved you far too much for you liking, and would go to great lengths to show just how much he cares.

"HONEY! I made dinner tonight came and eat!" Oh no....dad cooked!? NOOOOOOO! You ran down stairs and to your horror you witness something so revolving so hideous, human words couldn't describe it.

"Dad...what is that?" You said trying your best not to vomit. Your father just gives you a carefree smile as he saws and shovels whatever the he** that was onto your plate.

"Spaghetti with and some salad on the side." You looked at the food and gave him your best smile.

"Dad.... Where's the salad?"

"I thought it would be good so I put in the spaghetti." Disgusted, not even a strong enough word to describe how you felt. You and you father sat down at the table. You plates filled with what you thought would be your cause of death. You both stare at your food, and for what felt like hours before anyone did anything. Even though your father's grin never left his face you could tell he was crying.

"WELL LET'S DIG IN!" Your father yelled as he spooned the slimy, slippery, and stinky mass towards his mouth. You couldn't bare to watch your father eat his own poison, so you smack it out of his hands.

"NOOOOO! You can't die yet!" He hugs you and you both start to cry.

"THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME!!!" You looked at him with a heroic face.

"I'd do for anyone, and do it a thousand more times more." You both started laughing. Then he looked at you happily with a sad smile.

"You know....I can't be as great as a chief as your mother but......I can at least do this much for you." He hugged you and kissed your head. Your mother died three years ago, and it was hard for both of you. Your dad hasn't been the same since, but you can tell his getting better. He even got a better job than the one he had before, yet it also means his at home less... But you don't want to be selfish, so you always encourage him to do what he wants. You don't want to hold him back from living his life anymore.

"I know Dad....I know..." You smile brightly at him. "But now let me go buy us some REAL food. While I'm out throw out everything on the table...even the plates!" Your father raised an eyebrow at you.

"And where do you think your going?"


"(YYYY/N)." You both had a starring contest amd you were winning.

"Dad I'm a big girl now. I don't need an escort to go get takeout."

"Yeah and I don't need to find you on the news the next day. (Y/N) you know how I feel about you leaving at night!" You grabbed your dad's hands gently. Slowly calming him down and look him in his eyes.

And when you spoke you talk slowly and gently, "Daddy, I can do this. I'll be back before you know it, and I'll have my taser and my pepper spray with me. You don't need to worry about me so much....okay?" He looked like he wanted to refuse again, but he just sighed and smiled.

"Okay...but you better come back safely..."

"Of course! What could possibly go wrong?"

~Time skip~

You were walking back from your (Favorite/takeout) place, and you were humming and skipping away.

"Why was dad so worried about? I can take care of myself!" You weren't paying attention to where you were going so step on something, and judging by the sound of it, it was broken beyond repair. You stop dead in your tracks to take a look at the device you just obliviated. It looked like it could be some sort of tracking device, but you wouldn't know because it was smashed to pieces by yours truly. You looked up to apologize to whom ever the device belonged to, however you were never expected them to be a. humongous dog, and a fish with robotic legs. They didn't seem in the best of moods be they glaring daggers at you then at each other.

"See what you did fish face! Because you were messing around you made me drop it and had HER step on it! How are we going to find the turtles now!"

"Calm down drool for brains. We can always used the girl to draw them out." He looked at you and gave you a menacing grin. You began to back away slowly terrified. Talking animals...and they don't seem to be the friendly kind.

"Come here little girl...we won't hurt you....much..." They approach you slowly and you stood there shaking then you remember something, so put your hand in your purse and when they got close enough you use your pepper spray.


"DON'T WORRY I'LL REPAY THE FAVOR, WRECH!" They tried to hit you but missed and hit each other, and that was your cue to leave, but not in silence.


And that's how are chase began.

You turn down an alley knocking down all the trash cans in hopes it would slow them down, but you didn't need to look back to tell that it didn't. Suddenly you see dog guy ahead of you blocking the way.

"No where to run missy." You had an idea and plus you didn't have other options so slid under him. Although it looks like fun in the movies, actually doing it wasn't as fun as you thought. Now you were scared and you felt like you were going to faint.

"..Help...me..." Then as if to answer your prayers someone comes out of nowhere picks you up and speeds away. Not before throwing some sort of smoke bomb. After you guys were far enough you finally open your eyes to see your savor. When you did you thought you'd scream bit held it in as best as you could.

"Your...a .....turtle?"

"Hehe yeah...I am..." You too stared at each other awkwardly, and you squirm uncomfortable as he held you.

"Uhh can put me down now?" He blushed. He immediately put you down and rubbed his neck awkwardly.

"Hehehe sorry my bad." He says as he grins down awkwardly at you. When you look at him your fear starts to melt away. How could you be afraid of someone when they act so awkwardly cute.

"Aww how cute..." He blushes darker when you say that. Realizing that you didn't say it in your head so you start to blush.


"NOTHING! ...and thanks for ...you saving..."

"Oh?" He blushes and scratches the side of his head. "Haha no problem....well..bye..." He wave goodbye as he was about to leave. For some reason you didn't want it to be the end. You wanted to see him again, so you had to do something.



"I...was wondering can we meet again?" He smiled.

"I'd like that but I don't even know how to find you again."

"Then take this!" You throw your wallet at him.

"My address is in there. Give it to me when you see again..."

"...I will..." After that you were left alone... the only problem now was getting home.

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