"I love tanning out here with you too. The weather is so beautiful today." Eddie offered.

They drank their bottles of iced tea and talked a bit more until lunch rolled around. When lunch came they decided to grab their towels and head in to eat. They threw away their empty bottles and ditched their towels, and grabbed some food.

Today's lunch menu consisted of tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. They sat at their usual tablet and prayed together for lunch. They dove in and Eddie asked "Can you pass the pepper?".

Jamie replied "Sure here you go." passing the pepper to Eddie.

They ate their bowls of soup and enjoyed their grilled cheese sandwiches and talked about the past week of classes. Soon their lunch was all eaten and they decided to eat their fresh banana bread and drink their hot tea last.

It was so warm and delicious and the tea was this really warm blueberry tea. They polished off these things and then returned their trays to the food line.

They decided to spend the afternoon in the library. They both read some interesting investigation novels. "Seriously this novel is so interesting!" Eddie exclaimed.

"What are you reading?" Jamie asked curiously.

"Exit music, an inspector Rebus novel." Eddie replied while flipping the page.

"What a coincidence! I am reading fleshmarket close, which is also an inspector Rebus novel." Jamie commented.

"Wow we really think alike." Eddie said rather surprised.

"Yeah I guess we do." Jamie offered with a chuckle.

They continued to flip the pages of their novels and read them all afternoon. When dinner rolled around the other students in the library all cleared out to go to dinner. "Whoa, must be dinner because nobody runs out of a library that fast for anything except food." Jamie commented after the last student scurried out the door.

"Wanna go before it gets busy?" Eddie asked closing her now finished novel.

"Sure. I finished my book anyways and it would appear you did too. You read almost as fast as me." Jamie replied with a smile.

The pair left the library and walked to the dining hall. The walk was a bit longer than normal because the library was in the south wing and pretty far out. They had put their books back in their proper place before leaving to be courteous to the librarian. They chatted and wondered what was on the menu.

When they finally got to the dining hall they found that dinner was a pasta casserole bake with broccoli and chicken inside. They got in line and waited to get a bit of everything. Dessert looked interesting. It was a layered yogurt and pudding ensemble with fresh berries on top. They sat down at the usual table and Jamie prayed for their meal. They started eating and already Eddie was moaning into her food. "That good huh?" Jamie commented, chuckling slightly at her antics.

"Mmph... Jamie it is amazing. I really worked up an appetite after all that reading. My brain was starting to get tired and I so needed to refuel." Eddie said after swallowing her mouthful of food.

Jamie just laughed. "What's so funny Reagan?!?" Eddie asked feeling slightly offended.

"Just you. Seriously though I gotta agree with you. This food is amazing and so was the afternoon in the library." Jamie replied.

They finished eating and then sipped at their cups of calming mint tea. "Do you want to play some checkers when we get to the lounge or cards?" Jamie asked.

"Checkers sounds fun, let's play that tonight." Eddie replied.

"Okay, but I should warn you I am really good at checkers." Jamie commented.

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