Mitch then stood up, trying to ignore the headache the best he can. Crying himself to sleep was definitely not the best way to sleep.

You're used to it though. You might as well cry for the rest of your life. Nobody will care.

Mitch then frowned when the little voice in his head told him that. He has one voice in his head, which he named Meany. Meanie affects him all the time. The voice always picked at every little flaw Mitch has and makes sure that the Omega hears them all the time.

Nobody cares. Repeat it after me. Nobody cares.

"Nobody cares," Mitch spoke quietly, feeling his heart break. He then jumped when Scott called him and shook his head. "You know what? People do care. If anything, nobody cares about you."

No response. Mitch then gasped to himself. The voice is gone. It's finally gone. He smiled to himself as he left the room, his head head still hurting, and smiled when he saw Scott in the living room. The Alpha smiled back and he put his arm around the Omega's shoulders.

"Today's a big day for you," Scott began, smiling down at the Omega. Mitch tilted his head, not understanding what the Alpha was saying. "You don't know what I mean, uh?"

"Nope," Mitch replied, shaking his head adorably. "What day is it? Is is someone's birthday? Is it yours? For it is, then happy birthday!"

"My birthday's coming up," Scott answered, smiling when Mitch made an 'o' with his mouth. "We're going somewhere really important. You have to be in your best behavior though, okay?"

Mitch nodded as him and Scott went outside, climbing into the car. When Scott started the car, Mitch turned to the Alpha and tilted his head once more.

"What is happening at important place?" Mitch asked, his curiosity beginning to show. "Is it going to be fun?"

"Yep," Scott answered, driving off. After a few moments of complete silence, the Alpha smiled at the Omega. "You're going to see who your Mate is."


Mitch sat by Scott while a member from the Council looked at the Omega's forms. They were put into a separate room with other Alphas, Betas, and Omegas who are waiting anxiously for their Mate. A female Omega squeaked happily when she realized that her mate is a male Beta and they walked off, smiling at each other while they held hands. Scott tried to keep the thoughts out of his head when his Omega had to leave him, but it didn't work.

"Why do I have to leave? Did I do something wrong? Scott, please don't let them take me. Scott!"

He then felt a tiny tap on his shoulder and saw that the wonder of the tap was Mitch, who is smiling up him.

"Do you think we'll meet Al Pha?" Mitch asked innocently. Scott then tilted his own head, confused at Mitch's words. "You know...Al Pha! He seems really nice."

Scott then put two and two together and laughed. Now he knows what Mitch is saying.

"Al Pha is Alpha, Mitchy," Scott clarified. Mitch then raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Alpha isn't a real person."

"Oh," Mitch responses sadly. He then looked down at his lap. "Now I'm sad."

"Why are you sad?" Scott questioned, laughing at Mitch's adorableness. He might as well died at Mitch's response because what he heard was the most adorable thing he ever heard.

"I wanted a hug from him," Mitch answered, pouting when Scott laughed harder. "I really wanted one. He seemed like a nice person too."

Scott nodded when he noticed an Omega looking at him. Scott nodded and the Omega began to speak.

"I'm Ben(a/n: Yes, this is KidPOV!!!)," the Omega responded, smiling at Scott. Scott nodded, feeling himself smile. Why are Omegas so cute? "Is that your Omega? If he is, then you two are super cute."

"Thank you," Scott replied, smiling when he noticed Mitch reading a magazine upside down. Mitch looked confused and then murmured a 'thank you' when Scott turned it right side up. "You're welcome. No, he's not. He's know my Pack though."

Ben nodded and perked up when he got called. He then stood up and waved goodbye to the two Pack members.

"Bye," he chirped, going into a room called 2A. The door to 3A then opened and the Council member was there.

"Mitchell Grassi?" She called out and smiled when Mitch stood up shyly. "This will only take a few seconds."

Scott then raised his eyebrow (a/n: No 'what eyebrow' comments please.), confused. When someone got their Mate, it usually takes about to five to ten minutes unless the Mate was already there.

"Mitchy, I'll be here, okay?" Scott reassured, putting his hands on the small shoulders. Mitch nodded as he looked at the room. "Everything will be okay."

Mitch nodded as he hugged Scott and let go, walking into the room. The Council member then smiled and closed the door, flipping truth her papers.

"Usually it takes about five to ten minutes for the Mate to be chosen," she began, setting done the papers. "This is a rare occasion when the chosen Mate is already here."

"What does that mean?" Mitch asked shyly, getting confused. He does not understand a word the Council member is saying. "Who's my Mate?"

"His name is Scott Hoying. His ranking is an Alpha. I hope you love your Mate very much."

A/N: Hehe, I'm amazing.;) I hope you guys enjoyed this! Yes, they are each other's Mates. What happened to Scott's old Mate will be explained in the next few chapters or so. I love you all!!!:)


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