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Flower festivals, making out behind dingy diners, and star gazing all while on a road trip.
Thanks for requesting, lovely friend !
Also, there will be a IMPORTANT author's note at the end of this. Don't skip it. (Please. With smut on top.)
..and apologies for a three week delay.
(The book won't end, promise. ;)) )
Also, borderline smut.
Wee, you guys like that.. right?

Day One

The California landscape was fleeting behind you, flying away. Matt was driving, and you were gazing out the window while a soft 80's song was playing. He hummed the lyrics, and you turned to face him. "I'm excited to see the cherry blossoms this year. What about you, Matt? Have you ever seen the festival before?"

"I'm pretty excited! And, nah, no, I haven't gone to a flower festival before. I've been too busy with theater when I was younger, Y/N." He grinned. "So we're going to the LAX right? To DC?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah, last time I checked. We should be headed on our way, you dorky nerd," you lovingly joked with him punching you in the arm.
"Be glad I love you, Y/N." The theorist added.

An hour later because author is kinda pissed at Quotev

Matt pulled into a diner parking lot, and looked at it. "Looks pretty good. I hope the food's good," he remarked. You glanced at him lovingly, and smirked. Both of you got out of the car and walked up to the door, with a waiter greeting you. The place was dimly lit, and that alone made you blush a little. He brought you two to a back booth seat. "What does the lovely couple want for a drink?"

You two flipped through a menu booklet, and you looked over Matt's shoulder. "I'll have a y/fav/flavor shake, and, what do you want Matt?" He nodded. "I want a vanilla shake, thank you." The theorist grinned, rubbing your thigh. The waiter took your orders, and left. "You do realize.. it's dimly lit and there's no one around, right?" You winked at him, making him blush.

Matt leaned down at you, slowly closing his eyes, giving you a moment to take it all in and lean up. His deodrant today smelled nice, and all you could hear in your ears was faint music, your heart beat, and Matt's calm breathing. You leaned up and placed your lips onto his for a saucy kiss, until your nose bumped into his. That made him chuckle a little, and pull away, but he fell back in.

Letting your arms glide, they landed in the small of his back and his neck, pulling him down (or up if you're like, 6'2 or something.) The theorist's hands rested themselves nicely into your hair and upper back. Matt softly bit your lip and that caused you to moan into the kiss. Your tongue was about to enter into his mouth when a waiter tapped you on the back with a pen taped to ten straws.

You broke from the kiss, and Matt tried to lean in for more, with a lustful grin on his face until he realized what happened. "Oh, hey.. hi. Sorry about that.. where's the shakes?" He asked, obviously flustered. You stammered, "Yeah.. heheh. Sorry." The waiter's face was red, and he pointed to the table before scurrying off, leaving you and your dorky nerd alone to sip some shakes.

Two hours later, in the boarding lounge

The chairs were awfully comfortable for a boarding lounge, but you didn't mind. Matt was rubbing his hands on his pants, and frequently checking his phone. "Hey babe, you ok? Do you want me to get you a diet coke?" You were concerned, and got up. "Huh? Oh, oh, yeah. I'm fine, Y/NN. And yeah, I'd like a diet coke, thank you." He awkwardly grinned, and returned to his phone.

Inserting a dollar and some pocket change into a vending machine was simple enough, but it was a tedious every-day task. 'Why wasn't it automatic?' you thought. You collected your spoils, and left to go see your anxious nerd. He grabbed your bag, and said, "C-c'mon Y/N. It's time to board." Matt grabbed the diet coke, and handed you your suitcase.

Lame flight stuff
You two arrived at Baltimore-Washington International, and left for D.C. Matt looked really relieved, and hugged you. "Well, my love, the festival's tomorrow. Why don't we get fast food and have a little fun back at the room?" He winked, obviously suggesting something. You punched him softly, and whispered, "Why not?"

​ Matt ended up getting Mc Donald's, and you two ate at the hotel room. Stuff escalated from there (request for more!), and left you two exhausted.
​Day Two
​It was finally time for the festival, and you were super excited. "Matt, matt. Wake up!" You shook the lazy theorist awake, only to get a groan and a muffled, "Five more minutes.." Obviously, you weren't having that. "Wake up! We're going to the Cherry Blossom festival, you nerd." Matt immediately sprung up.

"What time is it?" he asked. "Oh, holy cow! I better get ready!" You threw some clothes at him, and grinned, lovebites visible on both of your necks. "Be glad it's scarf season," you giggled. Matt turned pink, and put on his clothes.

​Timeskip because now mobile blagh

Everything was coated in pink and beautiful. You guys toured the capital, looking and picking up fallen petals and sticking them into each other's hair lovingly. Matt pulled you aside near a river, petals everywhere on the water and the ground.

​The theorist got down on one knee, and declared. "It's dangerous to go alone, Y/N! Take this!" He brought out a small box and opened it. "Will you marry me, Y/N?" Matt's face had a blush across it, and he handed you a special ring-- an engagement ring.

​"Oh.. Oh my gosh, Matt, I don't know what to say.. I love it, it's so beautiful. I love you, and I will say yes." You leaned down and kissed the theorist with him slipping the ring on your finger. People near by began clapping and cheering. This trip was the best.

Hey guys.. sorry to butt in. I'm not ending the oneshot set yet. The updates for this will be super slow, one, because I suck, and two, school sucks. I've been so busy and been having serious motivation crashes. Don't blame me, ok? ) I'm planning on redoing this chapter in the future since it was awful and it took me four days to type it. So, there should be two more chapters out soon. Also, you're all cool. And don't forget to request, and another note: It is perfectly ok to ask me to update in the comments, or for more, or give me some motivation (it'd really help :)) ). But remember.. this is just a story.. a LAME STORY. Haha whatever bye lovelies

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