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 was Licht, followed by a pure white she-wolf. She was shorter than him and seemed to be hiding behind him. She had one bright purple eye and one golden one. She was pure white other than the rings of silver on her neck, tail, and right above her paws. Licht used his nose to nudge her  forward. She stepped out shyly. Her tail tucked in between her legs. Then, I realized she was missing her right front leg. I slowly moved forward. She flinched, but didn't move away. I made slow movements toward her and let her sniff my hand. She sniffed it and cautiously. She then nudged my hand with her head. I smiled and sniffled. I cuddled her. She didn't seem to mind. Keche moved over to us, the she-wolf backed away. He stretched out his hand and she sniffed it the same as she did to mine. She then moved back to me and nuzzled my neck with her snout. I giggled. Keche huffed. The she-wolf backed away in fear. He turned me to him and snuggled my head into his chest as I had a giggling fit. He smiled and held me there. The she-wolf layed down next to my feet and stayed there. Licht finally stepped in and sat next to her. Nuzzling his snout into her neck. She did the same and I smiled at how cute it was. I felt my eyes getting heavy, and I fell asleep in Keche's arms.
       He later carried me back to camp. The wolf pair following close behind. He set me down in his bed and slept on the floor next to the bed. I woke up to find Skylar next to me. She was drooling and was wearing a big shirt. She had really cute bed hair. I giggled and got up. Stepping over Keche and getting dressed. Then, making cupcakes with blue and purple swirly icing hearts. I hummed as I cooked. I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around me. I giggled and bopped his nose with a spoon that had icing on it. He went cross eyed and laughed. I giggled and turned back to the cupcakes. I was done. I smiled at the creation. Not the best, but still good. I put them on a plate neatly. Keche reached out to grab one, but I hit his hand with the spoon. He chuckled softly to himself and walked out the kitchen. I giggled and set the cupcakes on the table. "CUPCAKES!!" I yelled. Everyone came running eagerly, well, exept for Nick. I  shrugged and smiled when Skylar walked in with bed hair and a large shirt. I gave out the cupcakes and ate one myself. Leaving one in the fridge for Nick. Oh well. He must just be asleep. I snuggled with Keche on the couch and we talked about silly things. It was fun. Then, I remembered something....Where is my family?!

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