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Olga Daniloff sat by the door of the cottage where she was temporarily staying

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Olga Daniloff sat by the door of the cottage where she was temporarily staying. She was engrossed in a book on entrepreneurship when Jakob came up. He raised his hat, and she nodded in response.

"Well," she said in German, "have you told the old maids?"

"They are not old but yes, I told them my plans," he replied.

"I've heard from my brother," she remarked, taking a letter from her book. "Boris trusts my judgment implicitly, as I said he would. You are to come with me to London at once."

"Today...," He asked bewildered.

"Yes. By the midday train." He looked at her in amazement.

"But Jill, Janet and Dorcas will be worried....."

"You can write and explain. My brother's time is valuable — he has already put off his journey to Paris one day in order to meet you."

"But I have no money," he objected.

"What does that matter? I have enough for the railway ticket, and when you see Boris he will give you an advance. Oh, don't be grateful," she added in her independent way. "In the first place, we're brother artists, and secondly, this is business. It's much better to perform with Boris Daniloff when you can and make a fortune in Europe than play in a restaurant orchestra in New York; don't you agree?"

"If I can make a living, and stay close to Trevannic, I will be able to pay Jill, Janet and Dorcas back for saving my life," Jakob agreed enthusiastically.

"You can do whatever you want with your life and your income Jakob."

He was about to audition for his musical idol. None of this would have happened had the storm not driven the Queen Anne out of its course.

Hearing the clap of thunder, and roaring waves, he thought the ship was under attack like the bombardment of his home town. He rushed on deck in his bare feet, an unfastened shirt and trousers, grasping a life belt to see if he could be of assistance.

Jakob's sudden appearance on to the deck, led to his being cursed one moment by a sailor and the next swept by a hurricane strength wave over the railings and into the dark and silver moonlit sea.

That was months ago. Jakob blessed the turbulent waves. He blessed the life belt he lost just before consciousness left him. He blessed the jag of rock on the sandy cove against which he broke his ankle. He blessed Jill for wadding into the ice cold sea and getting him to the shore. He blessed Janet, Dorcas and everyone in the village who made him welcome. He blessed Olga for the opportunity of a lifetime. He blessed the sun, the sea, the sky and the whole beautiful world that had suddenly laid itself at his feet.

The village cart rattled and drew up by the cottage door. Olga's luggage that lay ready in the hall was lifted in.

"Come," she said. "You can ask the old – I mean your friends to send on your things."

He laughed. "The only things I have were given to me after I arrived here." He could finally had a home after the one engulfed in war was destroyed. The possibility of an income meant he could provide for Jill. He needed to show Jill that he was a man worthy of her love. His heart was undoubtedly hers.

He intended to send a telegram from St. Madoc. Upon arrival, there was just enough time to catch the London bound train. It was too late to send a telegram. The earliest he could send one now was the following morning. Until then, his mind, was full of wonder. Meeting the legendary Boris Daniloff and auditioning to play with him.

November 6, 2015

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