"I don't..."

"Is it..." Violet whimpered, tears welling in her eyes, "Is it because of me?"

"No, it isn't..."

"I promise I'll be better. I'll do anything...please...please tell Daddy not to go..."

Paula wasn't sure what spurred her to move, but she found herself settling on the floor and pulling the hysterical girl into her lap. Violet's silent sobs continued for a several minutes before watering down into sniffles which jerked her small frame. Paula slowly combed her fingers through the girl's long dark hair.

"It's nothing you did, Vi. Your Dad's the one with the problem, okay?"

Violet sniffed and nodded against her shoulder.

"You're heavier than you look. I think my leg has gone to sleep."

Violet gave a reluctant chuckle. Paula kept her arm around Violet's shoulder as she shifted to sit on the floor, encouraging the girl to lean against her. They remained in their strange embrace, their silence filled by the voices of Hannah and Tim. It seemed the heated argument had given way to more civil-sounding discourse. Paula continued carding her fingers through her niece's hair, feeling a strange maternal surge as the teenager hugged her arm nestled even more comfortably against her shoulder.

"We should go out one of these days."

"Yeah. I'm sure Mum will like that."

"No, I meant just you and me. As much as I love your mother, she's a bit of a spoilsport."

Violet giggled. "Yeah, I know."

"We could go shopping. I know a few good restaurants too. Or maybe I'll teach you a few spells."

"Mummy doesn't really want me using magic."

"See what I mean? Spoilsport."

Violet chuckled again, this time more heartily. Paula smiled.

"You'll be alright, Vi. As much as all this sucks, you'll be okay."

Violet remained quiet and Paula squeezed her shoulder fondly.

"And your father isn't the standard for all men. Hell, I'd say he's a bit of a j...anyway, don't grow up thinking every relationship is going to end like this. There are tons of good guys out there who'll stick by you. They're pretty hard to find though, but they're there."

"Have you found any?"

Damilare's face flashed in her mind. She sighed and shook away the thought.

"I was never really looking."


The frigid winds whistled as Paula pounded violently against the dark mahogany door. Even the fur-lined jacket she had pulled on at last minute was not enough to stand against the Welsh winter, and she was almost set to port herself back to the warmth of Australian summer when the door opened slightly and the tired yet cautious face of a short-haired blonde woman peered out.



"It's almost 3AM, what are you-"

"Julia, I'm freezing my nipples off here."

Julia huffed as she stepped away from the space and Paula squeezed in and slammed the door against the rushing wind. She rubbed her hands and sighed contentedly as the warmth of the lobby seeped into her skin. A lot of lights were on, but she wasn't surprised; considering the situation, she couldn't expect them to be resting easy. Julia yawned and rubbed her eye before looking at her with a strange smile.

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