The Great Lion Father

Start from the beginning

I was currently eating breakfast with Orieus. I had toast and a boiled egg and a chalice of orange juice. Narnians are so posh sometimes. Orieus and I were talking about my father and how he had been gone for the last few years until he left to take care of some visitors.

It was the Pevensies and my Aunt and Uncle B. I quickly decided to dash into my tent that I was sharing with the wife of one of the centaurs to hide. I didn't want them to see me. I felt ashamed that I didn't apologise to them while I could. I gave up all hope of us being friends again. I could hear them conversing outside. Peter was taking charge again. They were talking about how they've been too hard on Edmund. Peter also mentioned the dilemma me and Susan had at the beavers den.

It was all too much for me. Edmund, Peter, Susan and Lucy. Especially whenever I fell asleep the same flashing image haunted me every night.

One night, I was said to be screaming in my sleep. My father came in as soon as possible and I just spent the hour talking with him. I cried, I laughed, I had a good time, and after that I slept peacefully. However, the dreams were still there as if they had been planted in my head. If only there was a way to block them out.

I decided that I wasn't coming out any time soon, and I wasn't hungry. I changed into a silk night gown and slept as sound fully as I could as the rude remarks were flashing back at me. It was going to be a long afternoon.


Edmund's POV

It took me a few hours to finish walking to the Queens castle. I was so mad at Aloe. How dare she say that about the Queen? When I was in the beaver's den, she connected to me through a vision. It showed me ruling Narnia. Everything was so real. My brother and sisters were my servants and Aloe was the house maid. She told me in the vision that if I left them now, all of that would come true. I didn't want to leave, but she forced me.

When I arrived at the castle, the sun had gone down and it was much colder. In the vision she told me to wait outside the doors and that was what I did. I wish we had come through the wardrobe. I would have had a warm coat to survive this cold weather.

The door creaked and out came The Queen with a young girl trailing behind her. She was about my age and had the same features as the Queen, only more attractive. Her curly white-blonde hair was in a bun with strands pulled out. She was wearing a strapless beige silk dress that came down to her ankles that hugged her body tightly. She had a similar fur cape as her mother except it was dyed a brown at the tips. I noticed she also carried a wand like her mother. She was beautiful. I stared at her gorgeousness until another vision was being shown to me.

It was years after I had been crowned king of Narnia. I was married to the beautiful girl who I assumed was the Queen's daughter. We were currently sitting in the throne room watching our four kids run around the pillars. The three boys all had my wife's blonde hair, but my youngest girl was like me. Everything was absolutely perfect. You know why? Because Peter wasn't here to tell me what to do. Instead, I head the four of them (Peter, Susan, Lucy and Aloe) working in the kitchens.

"Marry her Edmund," The Queen's voice rung in my ear, "Take this ring and propose to my daughter Jade, right here, right now. Therefore, everything will come true,"

I had snapped out of the vision and focused on my surroundings. The Queen had formed an ice ring in my hand that I was to propose to her daughter Jade with. I wanted all of the vision to come true, but it just didn't feel right to marry someone I hadn't even talked to.

The Queen noticed the confused look on my face and put me in a trance again. Before I knew it, I was kneeling down on one knee and proposing to Jade. I couldn't do anything to stop it. It was like my whole body had been paralysed. The words came out of my mouth like a river, like I couldn't stop it. The Queen's daughter,Jade had said yes straight away. She took the ring out of my hand and admired it gleefully. She then pulled me in a kiss that was very rough and heated, but it didn't feel right either.

Once we had pulled away I could see the Queen smirking off to some hikers in the distance. I looked over to see what she was looking at. It was everybody. Peter, Susan, Lucy and the beavers. They had seen it all. They were stood on a nearby cliff that viewed the castle. Boy was I screwed. I could see the betrayed look on all of their faces. Peter looked angry at me, as usual. The positive thing was that once I married Jade, all this nonsense of Peter looking down on me will stop and I will be able to make my own decisions. Everything was going to turn out like I wanted it to.

And that's where I was wrong. The Queen brought me into the castle only to order her slave of a dwarf to bring me to the dungeons. I knew it was all a trick. I knew that the visions were not true and that she only wanted that to be planted in my head. My family hated me and I possibly the only person I truly liked was gone and heart broken. Peter was right. When was I going to ever do as I am told?

You And I Forever [Edmund Pevensie] #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now