2p!Nyo!France x Reader

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Me and Francesca were driving home.Francesca was asleep in the passenger seat and I was driving.We were currently what seemed to be the middle of nowhere considering that there were no houses or any buildings for as far as the eye can see.I sighed the radio playing a soft,calming melodic tune.I looked at the rear-view mirror to see what seemed to be a bulge on the floor of the back seat.I tensed up and dared to check it out to see what looked to be a man his back facing us.I turned back to look at the road.I nudged Francesca and she woke up,glaring at me.
I motioned for her to be quiet,pointing at the back seat.She gave me a confused look but checked anyway.Out of the corner of my eye I saw her cover her mouth,a horrified look on her face.
We looked at each other at a loss on what to do until I saw an exit.I took it and we stopped at a rest stop.We quickly got off and rushed inside to find a police officer paying for coffee.We ran up to him and told him that some one was in the backseat of our car.He nodded and rushed off to our car.We followed him to see him drag out a man who had apparently been sleeping.I shuddered when he met my gaze and mouthed something I couldn't understand.

A/N:Ok this was probably not creepy but if you think about it,someone you don't know in the backseat of your car.I mean I'd probably pee my pants!Anyways hope you enjoyed. 

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