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As I woke up I looked around and saw it was 10 am. Nady still laid next to me and slept like a baby.
I watched her for a while.

Sometimes she would speak in her sleep, I never could make out what she said, but it was nice watching her acting all cute.

She pulled the blanket up and cuddled in it more. She was shaking slightly.
I could tell she was cold.

I dared to move directly next to her and to hold her. I kept her cold body warm with mine.

She immediately cuddled up to me.

She still was asleep, so she wouldn't even know, that I was the one, who cuddled up to her and not the other way around.

And it was so nice. Her body felt so good in my arms. I loved to be this close to her.
I could hear her steady breath and I lifted my head to see her face sleeping calmly.
I leaned to her and kissed her cheek softly. And again. And one more time, a little bit more towards her lips.

And then I held my lips a few centimeters above hers.

I just needed to lean down the small distance and I could kiss her lips.
I didn't do it, but kissed the top of her nose instead. Softly, again.

Nothing with too much pressure that I thought would wake her up.
And I was right, she kept sleeping, as if nothing happened.

I wrapped my arms back around her body and just held her close.

I guess she didn't know how precious she was. I felt like she was safe in my arms.

I just held her tight for a minute and less tight after that. I didn't want her to wake up and start questioning me why I would hold her like this.
I laid there for a while. Like half an hour or so. Then Nady woke up slowly.

At first she stirred but then she opened her tired eyes.

"Yasmin. Good morning." she mumbled and went to cuddle up to me more.

My heart skipped a beat and I moved closer to her, immediately.

"Hey, Nady." I answered with a husky morning voice.

"What time is it? What have we planned for today?" She asked and laid her head on my cleavage.

I gulped. I'm sure she was able to hear my fast and hard heartbeat.
It did beat for her.

"It's ten thirty," I said, "we can do whatever you want to do."

"Mmm," she thought, "let's lay here for a bit and then go out for breakfast. Okay?" she asked.

"Yah, sure." I said calmly, but actually I was super excited to cuddle with her a little bit more.

She wrapped her arms harder around me and my heartbeat increased.

She had such a great effect on me, I don't know if she realized it once but she definitely affected me.
I just couldn't calm my mind around her. 

I know some people who are just like me in love with their best friends. They all are freaking out about it and try to suppress the feelings so hard.

But I don't understand why. I don't mind to be in love with Nady. She's such a beautiful person, inside and outside. All her flaws are perfect. At least in my opinion.
And where is the problem in loving your best friend? Or in loving anybody who doesn't love you back?

Honestly, I don't see a problem with it.

At least you have somebody to love. Who is worth to be loved. Who is such a great person that you have those feelings for them.
Where is the problem in being in love with the most wonderful person of the world?
Again, I don't see one.

She Cares. (girlxgirl) (editing)Where stories live. Discover now