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We woke up, with me luckily not crying anymore, and laid in the same position as before.
Honestly, I didn't want to stand up. I wanted to lay with her, here forever.
She was warm and her skin smelled like cotton candy and her hair like flowers.
Her skin was soft and she made the perfect pillow.

"You're awake?" she asked, obviously not seeing me staring at her.

"Yah." I answered and set my hand next to her body and lifted my upper body slowly off of hers. I looked in her face and her beautiful eyes.

"Good morning." I said.

Nady looked away from me and to my window.

"Shit.." she cursed, "It already is dark outside."

"It's no problem you can stay the night." I yawned.

I knew she wouldn't want to go home in the dark. She was scared of the dark. Well more of the things in the dark.

She would see a man following her the whole way. She would hear talking and whispering at every corner. She would hear barking and would think the dog outside, in some yard, would try to eat her or something. She would feel like somebody is watching her. And she would be so sure that all of this was really happening. She wouldn't even doubt it.

But it was cute. And when she got scared she was extra touchy.

"Yeah, please." she said, not shifting her eyes away from the dark outside of my window.

She seemed to be zoned out.

I laid my hand on her eyes and kept it there for three seconds. Then I removed it.
I always did that, when she zoned out. It made her come back to reality.
Now, her eyes were on me.

"What time is it?" she asked.

I rolled off of her and reached to my phone.

"It's 10:40" I read out loud.

"We slept for 5 or 6 hours!" she said shocked.

"Yeah.. Shall we go back to sleep?" I asked, not knowing if she was still tired.

"No way. I have all my homework left."

I laughed. Typical.

We helped each other with our homework and were done at one o'clock. We dawdled most of the time and went downstairs at midnight and made popcorn.

As we were finished and were already half asleep again, we put away our school things and the bowl of popcorn and sat down on the bed.

I checked my phone. Chloe messaged me at 8pm and asked how it went with Nady.

[We're friends again and she's spending the night :))] I answered happily.

Even though it was sleeping time Chloe wrote me back, after a few minutes.

[Great! And what about your <3 for her?]

I hid the screen from Nady and wrote [Nothing has changed.]

[OK We'll talk tomorrow about it. Good Night :*]

[Night :*] I replied swiftly and put the phone away.

I turned to my sweet best friend.

"Wanna sleep now?"

"Nah, but let's change."

I went to the closet and searched some clothes for Nady to sleep in. I gave her a T-shirt and some shorts.

"That's okay?"

She Cares. (girlxgirl) (editing)Where stories live. Discover now