Chapter 2: Once In a Lifetime

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Time skip a few years
I'm out getting some groceries. I don't want to go but my Mum says now that im officially an adult (18) I have to run errands. Great. I walk past the magazine aisle on my way to the till and notice the word 'Competion' and 'Dan and Phil' on the front of 'Shout' magazine. I know it's a magazine for younger girls but I just couldn't resist. I grabbed it and paid, completely forgetting about some extra things that I had to buy. I got home and opened it, flicking through the pages till I saw the words I wanted to see. Dan. Phil. Wait, what? Right in front of my eyes, there it was. A once in a lifetime opportunity. A chance to spend an entire day with my idols. The only thing standing in the way of my hopes and dreams was an age limit of 14 years old. I wasn't about to let that stop me. The competition itself was to write 150 words on why you would want to spend a day with Dan and Phil. And I was planning to win it.
I eagerly checked my my mail every day to see if I had won. Nothing for weeks. But then, on a rainy Tuesday, I awoke to the sound of my letter box opening and closing. I rushed downstairs as fast as I could and tore open the white envelope that sealed my future. My face lit up and the next thing I knew I was on the ground.
'(Y/N)?' My mum questioned.
My eyes opened and I started to get up, reassuring my mother that I was fine. I explained what had happened and she hugged me half-heartedly, obviously not understanding how much this meant to me. I went to my room and looked at my phone. It was buzzing like crazy with notifications about the 14-year-old girl called April who had won the competition to meet Dan and Phil. 'April' is my 'little sister'. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to make it but I would hate to disappoint everyone, so I planned to fill in for her. After all, it was an opportunity that only comes once in a lifetime.

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