I would be utterly terrified if it wasn't my best buddy and fellow District Three tribute, Phillip Dex.

I run over after gaining back some coherency, but my expression still reads shock as I approach him. I can't even form a full sentence. "Dex! What-?... How-?... The throwing!... Perfect aim!" I shake my head again, "I thought you said you had no special skills!?"

He was just prepping for another throw when I came over, but now turns a light shade of magenta. Phillip's arm droops, knife still in hand, and he smiles shyly. "I didn't know I had it in me."

"What else can you do?"

"Well, I know I can't throw a spear for the life of me. It's too long and awkward. That's why I tried this out. And surprise, surprise, I'm actually decent at it."

I grab his shoulder and beam, "You're more than decent!"

He turns a deeper magenta and shrugs, "No, I'm not. I'm not nearly as good as the bigger districts."

"Yeah you were! How many of them could hit the bull's eye when they tried?"

"A couple of them."

"Okay, okay, okay. At least think you're as good as them."

"I don't know..." he mumbles, looking down at the knife he's holding.

"Phillip, this will help you so much in the arena! This will be your advantage!"

He smiles ruefully, "Our advantage." I raise my eyebrows in surprise, and touched. He holds out a hand for me to grab. "Friends til the end, right?" I stare at the hand, unsure for a moment. He does have an advantage now. This really could save him. This could be his ticket out of the arena. Should we still stick together now that he has a foot in the door? I'll  be more of a hindrance to him. "What? Is there a problem?"

"Well, think about it. Now you have a chance at winning."

He laughs artificially, "Yeah right, Liv. Just because I can throw some kitchen utensils around doesn't mean I'm getting out."

"It gives you a better chance than before."

"It gives us a better chance," he corrects. "We're still a team, aren't we?" I look into his turquoise eyes and it's like I'm looking into the eyes of my little brother. They're begging for an answer that will make everything better and I can help but keep him happy. I grab his hand, and squeeze. "Friends?"

"Friends," I sigh. And our hands drop. "Well, I'm going to another station."

"Which one?" I scan the gymnasium again and then point. "Edible foods? Shouldn't you try some weapons?"

"Yeah, but not yet." Phillip opens his mouth to argue, but I making a zipping motion over his mouth. "I'm going to, I swear, but right now, I want to cover basic necessities."

He rolls his eyes and shrugs, "Whatever you say, Liv. I'm going over to..." He rubs his chin as he looks for a place to go. "... Hand-to-hand combat." He laughs a little, "I'll probably snap like a twig." I join in laughing because he is on the scrawny side. "Have fun eating."

I turn on my heel, but wave over my shoulder, "Try not to break too many bones over there."

"No promises!" he calls back.

While I only knew a few edible items found in the wild, I picked up on everything pretty quickly. This sort of stuff, I can handle. Memorizing things, identification and classification. Things that require brain power. I'm good with this. By the end of our little session, I think I could manage to live in a wooded area and survive off of plants for as long as my body could take it. The man even compliments me on how quick a learner I am.

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