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You will be a bullied Faunus character, if stuff like bulling is offensive or triggering please do not read this story. ('・_・') I would be sad to make any of my readers sad or distressed.
*Fixed a few things.
*Namely the spelling of Pyrrha's name.
The clock read 11:45. It was almost time for class to be over. You were relieved. You couldn't stand listening to anymore of Mr. Port's stories. Also you wanted to get as far away from Cardin before he began picking on you again.

You wanted to see your crush as well. Pyrrha Nikos. You didn't have any classes with her unfortunately, but you could see her at lunch.

"It was around this time that I-" The sound of the bell halted Mr. Ports' story. He cleared his throat.

"Perhaps next time." He walked back to his desk as his students left the classroom. You quickly darted out of the classroom until you felt a tug on your [animal ears] stopping you from leaving. You turn around to see indigo eyes staring at you and a devilish smirk. Cardin.

"Come sit with us at lunch." He whispered in your ear then chuckled as he left class. You didn't want to. You knew he'd pick on you if you did, but you were afraid to go so instead you skipped lunch. Hanging out in the girls bathroom wasn't exactly ideal but it was the only place he couldn't reach you.

You did this for a week and continued doing it. Skipping lunch, hiding out in the bathroom then returning to class; starving. Your teammates were worried, but telling a white lie such as you were dieting easily calmed their minds. You knew your teammates weren't really concerned they were clearly uncomfortable with having a Faunus on their team. After two weeks had passed you became depressed.

It had been awhile since you've seen Pyrrha. You sometimes lay awake at night wondering if she even knew your presence at disappeared from the cafeteria. Tears would overflow from your eyes when you realized she probably didn't. After three days of crying yourself to sleep you stopped going to class. No one seemed to care.

Not your teammates, your teachers or your friends. Some days you would stumble out of bed to brush your teeth. When you went to the bathroom you looked in the mirror at your puffy [e/c] eyes and your messy [h/c] hair. You brushed your teeth, sighed and went back to your dorm. Usually that's what happened.

Today you ran into someone. You were tired and dizzy from not eating much so you didn't see who it was.

"Hey! Watch it you dirty faunus." But the voice... The voice you recognized. It was Cardin. He pushed you out of the way causing you to fall down. He kept walking down the wall until he stopped. He suddenly turned around and did that trademark grin of his.

"You know what, I haven't seen you around that much? I wasn't aware there were chicken Faunus'!" He laughed after his *joke*. You felt your body burn. You tried to stand up and walk away from him, but you couldn't. You couldn't move.

You were weak and anytime you tried to stand you'd slump back down. His voice and laugh started to quiet down. For a minute you thought he was gone until you felt a nudge.

"Faunus trash, are you listening to me?" You looked up at him through your dimmed vision. His voice got more and more muffled until your ears made a high pitch ring which seemed to cover all sound.

"Hey!" Somehow you managed heard a voice, but because your hearing was messed up you couldn't tell if it was Cardin or not. Then you blacked out. When you awoke your eyes still hadn't adjusted to the brightness of the room, but you could hear a beep sound. It took awhile before your eyes were working again and when you opened them you saw team JNPR standing beside the bed you were laying in.

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