"Hey Naomi," Maya answered cheerfully.

"Maya, I might have a problem."

"What is it?"

"Can you come over?" Naomi asked nervously.

"Sure. I'm on my way," she replied before hanging up.

An hour and two pregnancy tests later, Naomi was terrified.

"What am I going to do?" Naomi whispered as she sat on the edge of the tub with her face in her hands.

"Maybe they're wrong?" Maya offered.

"The other one is kind of blurry but this one is pretty clear," she groaned while picking up the one closest to her. The two red lines stared back at her and she felt herself feeling sick again.

"How did this happen? I'm pretty sure Em didn't knock you up," Maya joked in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"Not helping," Naomi shot her a look. "Kian and I... we may have had sex on Halloween before we went to Flames," she replied sheepishly.

"You're telling me.. that you hooked up with Kian and then made out with Emily later that night?"

"You're making it sound worse than it is," Naomi complained.

"I'm sorry," she offered. "I just thought you and Kian were still on the downswing when... everything happened."

"We were, we just... I don't know. It kind of just happened."

"I'm guessing Emily doesn't know that happened?"

"Why would she?" Naomi looked up at her.

"I don't know. Are you going to tell her?" Maya questioned.

"I kind of have to, don't I?"

"Not really. I mean, you could-"

"No." Naomi cut her off. "I mean... this is all we really have left of Kian, now. I don't think Ali and Deb would ever forgive me. I'm the reason Kian died. I can't do this to them too."

"Naomi, you didn't kill Kian. That wasn't your fault." Maya sighed.

"But if I hadn't kissed Emily-"

"If Emily hadn't kissed you. If Emily hadn't broken your heart, you wouldn't have met Kian. If Emily hadn't come barreling back into your life, you wouldn't have questioned it. If Emily hadn't gone to Flames that night, it wouldn't have happened. I'm not blaming Emily either. Neither of you are at fault. Kian was drunk and he was mad and he left. It could have happened to anyone. It wasn't your fault Naomi. I need you to understand that." Maya was kneeling in front of her and Naomi's hands in her own.

Naomi simply nodded as the tears fell from her eyes. She had to tell Emily.

When Emily returned from work later than night, she found Naomi sitting on the couch staring blankly at the wall.

"Hey," Emily called out when she stepped through the front door.

"Hi," Naomi replied softly. "How was work?"

"Long," Emily complained as she plopped down next to her on the couch and pulled her in so she could plant a kiss on her forehead. "How was your day, beautiful?"

Naomi felt her eyes prick with tears. She had to tell her, but god, she didn't want it to be like this. "I uhm," she cleared her throat to rid the lump that had lodged itself there. "I found out some news today."
Emily's eyes widened as she felt tears hit her skin. "What happened Naoms?"

I'm Sinking Like a Stone in the Sea // NaomilyWhere stories live. Discover now