Chapter 9

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A/N: Have this Emily/Jordyn fluff because my body cannot handle it and I want to cry because this is the best AU!Ship I've ever created and I'm giving myself feels.

The small brunette pulled away from Emily but kept a firm grasp on the back of the redhead's neck.

Emily opened her eyes, peeking up at Jordyn through her lashes. She could feel her stomach forming knots and her cheeks heating up.

"Come back," Emily whispered as she bit her lip.

Jordyn smiled so wide that her eyes and nose crinkled. Emily just about fell apart right there on the couch.

Jordyn pulled her closer and pushed her lips against Emily's again. They smiled as they kissed, creating a sloppy rhythm. Emily grabbed ahold of Jordyn's waist with her good arm and pulled the brunette onto her lap so she was straddling her. The kisses became more hungry and forceful. Emily's stomach exploded with butterflies. Jordyn cradled the redhead's face, making it easier to bring herself closer.

And then it was black. Jordyn gasped as she suddenly pulled away. The only sound heard was the rain crashing against the glass.

"Shh, it's okay, the storm's cut the electricity," Emily soothed as she rubbed Jordyn's sides.

"That scared me so fucking bad," Jordyn mumbled, trying to catch her breath.

"You're safe with me," Emily whispered, leaning her forehead against Jordyn's.

She could faintly see Jordyn's smile in the dark as he eyes started to adjust.

"So, got any candles?" she grinned.


A phone vibrating against the coffee table is what startled them. Again.

Emily reached for her phone as Jordyn grumbled. "Pay attention to me," she whined as Emily sighed at her phone.

"It's the third time she's called. It'll just be a minute, babes."

Jordyn crossed her arms and pretended to be upset while Emily answered her phone.

"Hey Katie... I'm fine, I'm at Jordyn's... Yeah the power is out here-no I don't think I'll be back tonight," Jordyn shook her head in agreement and Emily smiled. "I'll be alright, Kay... tell mum I'm an adult and I don't have a curfew." Jordyn giggled as she began to kiss Emily's neck. "Katie really, I'll be fine. I'll be home tomorrow... Okay, bye."

Emily dropped her mobile on the cushion next to her and leaned her head back against the couch.

"Excuse me," she smirked as Jordyn continued to plant kisses.

"Hmm?" she breathed against Emily's neck as she continued.

"What do you think you're doing?" Emily mused as she bit her lip.

"Playing," Jordyn quipped as she softly nibbled on her skin.

Emily moaned.

"Found your sweet spot, huh?" Jordyn laughed as she continued to suck on the small patch of skin.

"You're a tease," Emily replied as another moan tumbled out of her mouth.

"We'll see about that," Jordyn smirked as she got up off couch. "Come with me."

She reached out for Emily to grab her hand. She picked up the candle from the coffee table and led Emily into her room.

The candle illuminated the room, showing off the double bed that was neatly made. Underneath the window was a small armchair with a bookshelf next to it. Against the wall opposite the bed was a dresser that had a drawer open and clothes piled in front of it.

Jordyn pushed Emily to sit on the bed as she set down the candle on the dresser.

"Now, where were we?" Jordyn purred, walking towards Emily, hips swaying.

Emily grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her onto the bed. Jordyn tucked her arm under the redhead, helping her move up the bed. Their lips connected and Emily could feel her entire body ignite. Their tongues met; she could still taste the vodka. The redhead found a fistfull of Jordyn's hair and used it to keep the brunette in place.

Jordyn slid her hands under Emily's shirt and clawed at her sides. She pulled Emily into a sitting position and fumbled to remove her shirt. Emily attempted to slide up Jordyn's shirt as well, until it got stuck to the velcro of her arm brace.

"I'll get it," Jordyn laughed as she tugged the fabric from the brace. She dropped the article of clothing on the floor as she admired Emily's entire body. "I want you so badly," she whispered under her breath.

"I'm right here," Emily said through a smile.

"No, I mean.. you. I want you. I want this, and dates, and holidays, and just.. everything. With you. Emily Fitch, I want you. I need you."

Emily sat there, speechless with Jordyn sitting in front of her half clothed.

"You don't feel the same way," Jordyn said quietly after a few long seconds. She moved off of Emily's lap and crossed her arms over her torso, holding her sides. "I shouldn't have said anything."

"No!" Emily cried, lifting Jordyn's chin so she would look at her. "I want this too. It's just that it's been so long since I've been with someone. And you're so beautiful. I didn't think that you'd want me."

"Look at yourself, Ems. You're amazing." Jordyn smiled as Emily kissed her lightly. "So what do you say? Will you be my girlfriend?"

Emily couldn't stop the smile that eclipsed her face. "Yes!" she exclaimed, pulling Jordyn into a wistful kiss.

"Good," Jordyn beamed as she pushed Emily back onto the bed.

She kissed her lips, moved to her jaw, then down her neck towards her chest.

"Shh," she whispered, looking up at Emily while hovering over her navel.

Emily obeyed. Jordyn planted kisses along her tummy, meticulously covering every exposed part of skin. She torturously moved slower the closer her lips got to the redhead's jeans.

Emily watched as the brunette skillfully unclasped the button to her jeans and started to slide them down her legs. Her eyes closed automatically as she felt Jordyn's lips make their way up her legs. She took her time again, making sure to kiss every part of skin that she discovered.

Emily could feel the heat between her legs build as Jordyn got closer to her core. Jordyn hooked her fingers underneath the waistband of her knickers and slowly pulled them off of her. The redhead reached out a hand to touch Jordyn.

"Ah, ah, ah. Be a good girl," Jordyn flirted, before dropping her head between Emily's legs.


"Be careful with me," Emily mumbled half asleep.

"I will," Jordyn mumbled in response, pressing a kiss to Emily's glistening forehead. "I will."

The two were tangled together, wrapped up in sheets and blankets. Their clothes littered the floor, the sound of rain colliding with glass.

A/N: I know this isn't much but I had so many feels writing this and I feel like it's important to share. Leave a review so I can be motivated to write the next chapter! Thank you all, you're the best.

I'm Sinking Like a Stone in the Sea // Naomilyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن