Chapter 11

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Emily's arm had slowly been feeling better. Katie and Jenna's wedding planning was wrapping up and the wedding was a few weeks away so she saw them less than usual. Being at home for so long was making her anxious; she wanted to get back to work but was completely useless with her arm not fully healed.

She used Jordyn to keep her distracted but the brunette was working overtime today. Emily lay in her bed staring at the ceiling as she tried to wake herself up for the day. Her phone vibrated on the table next to her bed.

"Wanna go out tonight?" it was a text from Effy.

The redhead smiled, thankful for the opportunity to have plans. "Yeah, when and where?" Emily typed out.

She got a response a few moments later, "Flames. 10PM. Meet at my place at 8 and we can get started early"

Emily set her phone back down in the table and closed her eyes. She felt her entire body relax as she tried to clear her head. So much had happened in the last few months. She hadn't seen Naomi since she went out. The redhead thought about that night a lot; she didn't say what she needed to say to Naomi. She just let the blonde slip between her fingers and so she let the alcohol slide down her throat instead. Emily had let herself get so fucked up that night that she hardly remembers trying to find her way home and vomiting in an alleyway as Katie helped carry her through the streets.

Emily rose out of her bed before haphazardly pulling her covers up to make it look like she even remotely put in an effort to make her bed. She quietly pulled open her drawers and chose some clean knickers and a bra out. Carefully, the redhead opened the door and padded down the hallway, turning the doorknob to the bathroom. With a click of the lock, the girl turned the handles in the shower and tested out the water before moving the shower curtain closed and peeling off her clothing. Emily looked at herself in the mirror before she stepped into the shower. Her hands rose to her scalp, gently moving her hair to see her roots beginning to show. I'll have to redye my hair soon, she thought with a sigh as she entered the tub.

The water ran across her skin, raising her body temperature slightly. Emily closed her eyes as she rested her head against the cold tile, taking a moment to enjoy the water cascading down her. After a moment, she grabbed some conditioner and lathered it into her hair. Her thoughts began to consume her as she continued to scrub at her scalp. She thought about Jordyn, and how she hadn't seen her in a few days. Her thoughts began to stray and she began to imagine the brunette in the shower with her, Jordyn's hands running down her body as she hummed in appreciation. And then suddenly the brunette became blonde and taller in height and Emily was pushed against the tile with Naomi's hand sliding down to her thigh.

Her eyes opened abruptly. Emily tugged at the shower curtain to ensure she really was alone. She sighed, rinsing her hair and turning off the water. She carefully rung out her hair before grabbing a towel and wiping away the water left on her pale skin. Emily slid on her clean knickers and clasped her bra before she wrapped the towel around her small torso in the off chance James or her father happened to still be home. Quietly, she left the bathroom after gathering her laundry and returned to the room she shared with her twin. Depositing the clothes into a hamper, she found a pair of jeans and an old t shirt, slipping them on and drying her hair with the towel.

Emily made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen, grabbing an apple from the counter and a jar of peanut butter from the cabinet. She sliced the apple and spread some peanut butter onto each one. She took a small bite, feeling the apple crunch and the juice splash into her mouth. The redhead pulled her phone out of her pocket and began scrolling through her social media. She saw photos Katie had posted on Instagram from the wedding planning and blurry photos of Effy out partying the night before. Emily chuckled to herself, liking the photos as she continued to scroll through the endless stream of photos. Just then, she heard the front door swing open and her father's voice boom from inside the house.

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