Who the hell are you?

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*** up above a picture of 'the mystery man'***

I woke a few hours later to light snoring and a dark room. Squinting, I slowly opened my eyes and relaxed into the comfort of the bed, ignoring the pounding in my head.
Around 20 seconds later I realised there was a heavy arm wrapped around my waist and someones head was shoved into the back of my neck. What the hell? I shot up into a sitting position and span around so quick I ended up pushing said person off the bed. Oops.
He landed with a Heavy thud and groan, while I just sat still staring at the edge of the bed with wide eyes. Oh my god... Where was I? What happened? Once I had remembered it all  I began to panic even more and bought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them.... Was he going to kill me now? Carefully, after a few moments I crawled forward and learned over the edge of the bed and looked down at him.
He was like a Greek flipping God. He had high chiselled cheek bones with a strong manly jaw peppered in stubble. He had beautiful brown soft looking hair that, cliché as it sounded, made me want to run my hands through it. My eyes lowered themselves and I blushed when I noticed he was topless. I blush at everything, but this was a well earned blush on his part, he had a glowing tan and a hard 8 pack defining his chest. If it had been any other circumstance I would have swooned. But no matter how glorious his body was my eyes kept getting drawn back to his dazzling sea blue eyes.. They were so beautiful and unique. Blue was officially my new favourite colour. Wait.... Crap I could see his eyes! Suddenly i realised I was staring at him and he could see me being weird, so I jumped back to the safety of the bed where he could no longer watch me. I heard a low chuckle from on the floor and my ovaries nearly exploded.
Sitting stock still, I saw a brown tuff of hair gradually higher itself until his beautiful eyes were staring back at me.
"Done checking me out?" He asked, his voice was deep and manly just like I expected, as he pushed off the floor and climbed back onto the bed. He grabbed the covers and lifted them up and gracefully slid in with me just sat staring incredulously at him.
"Who are you?" I didn't even want to dignify his question with an answer. What I wanted was to know who he was and what he wanted with me. "W-what do you want? I'll give you anything okay? Please don't hurt me." I whimpered and backed away. I could only see one exit in the room and it was on his side of the bed, I was trapped against the wall. The way he was watching me I knew he could tell what I was thinking. He sighed and leaned back into the pillow closing his eyes he crossed his arms behind his head.
"Don't even think about running away, I have 8 men guarding the house, two on the two entrances, one in each corner of the house and two walking a perimeter check so I doubt you'll get that far. Oh and there's me. And I'm not letting You leave the room." He said calmly, but opened his eyes to watch me. I could see he was deadly serious.
I gulped and pushed my hair out of my eyes, I really needed to get a cut.
"W-who are you?" I asked, getting on to my knees, I noticed I was still wearing my leggings but I had on a oversized mans T-shirt. My eyebrows furrowed and I got panicky. Did he change me? "And did you take my top off while I was drugged?!"
"No sweetheart I didn't. I got my be- ummm friends fiancé to change you," he smiled sweetly at me, and my heart nearly exploded when his two dimples appeared. My eyebrows furrowed even further when he called me sweetheart but since he was the one who kidnapped me I felt as if I shouldn't push my boundaries.... I had to admit though I felt better about my clothes and him knowing he was a gentlemen enough to not take my clothes off himself.
Scanning the room I noticed how empty it was apart from a few boxes at the bottom of the bed and the door open to the closet showed men's clothes hung up neatly. There was a small digital alarm clock On a set of drawers by his side of the bed which read 1:47 am which at least it told me what the Time was. Even though the walls were bare and there were no personal touches, the room was still amazing. Firstly it was huge, more than three times the size of my room and secondly I didn't know how to explain it. Just the pure aura of detail and care this room held with the beautiful intricate carvings on the walls were they met the floor boards. It was amazing. I was so busy trying to figure out a clue to where I was, I was too slow to react when the mystery man reached out and pulled me down on the bed. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in tight against his chest. I struggled and fought, pushing against his chest.
"Stop it sweetheart, I'm tired," he moaned, his eyes still closed and his head borrowing into my hair.
"W-what are you doing? And stop calling me that!" I snapped getting annoyed. First he kidnaps me and demand I sleep with him? Even though I am just sleeping with him.... At the moment. His eyes snapped open at my tone and I shrunk back down. I cast my eyes downwards at his neck and flicked hair forward in front of my eyes.
"Sweetheart listen here," he murmured gently lifting my chin with his finger tips. I ignored how close we were and how long his eye lashes were up close and I defiantly ignored how amazing his body felt against mine especially in a bed....
"I'm only going to say this once. You are mine. Just like I am yours. We belong to one another forever. I am never letting you go just like I hope you would never let me go. So please. Please, let us rest and I will explain it all in the morning, I promise?" His big blue eyes looked so sincere and honest I couldn't help but nod my head slowly. I know it was a stupid thing to do, he was my kidnapper and I should be worried but I felt safe with him. Safer than I had in a long time. So sue me, I gave in. I closed my eyes and slept, ignoring the banging headache thundering in my skull. Sinking deep into the mattress, his strong arms kept me anchored as I slipped into unconsciousness.

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