Hunting for Answers.

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Miya's pov

I glanced at my watch anxiety filling me as I walked to the meeting place. I was nervous upon why this place had been selected to meet at, it seemed a little tense in the air to, causing my anxiety to increase. Oh come on Mitch I don't have time for games. I slowly approached the clearing of a small meadow in the middle of White Forest. The forest in which got its name from all the birch trees that grew there seemed to always have an eerie feel amongst it that caused both a feeling of distress and peace to all who walked in it. I glanced at my watch again starting to wonder if he'll even show up when suddenly a twig snaps and catches my attention. "Mitch I don't have time for games," I say impatiently but instantly regret it as the figure enters the meadow their faced cloaked by the darkness. "You'll make time if you want answers," he hissed at me harshly. His short temper seemed worse than ever and as he got close enough that I could make out his face, the rank smell of cheap cigars and vodka filled my lungs and I couldn't help but cough. "Ah you stop that now," he yells in anger shoving me down hard to the ground, " Ye got no one to blame but y'erself for what we've done to yah." I hit the ground hard enough to knock the wind out of me so I just lay there speechless at his mercy. A sharp pain flares at my left side as his steel toe boots make contact with my side. A snap can be heard and I know he's cracked at least one of my ribs. "I ought to leave ya to die but I ain't goin' to jail for murder," he said coldly, " I'll tell em you need 'elp with some medical thing and I bet they'll believe me aye." I went silent and understood suddenly why he brought me out here. With no witnesses he'll get all the family to say they saw the whole thing.... I watched as the sick man broke ho own knee and made it look like I had done it, then limping he made me get up and walk with him to his car. "Try anything, and I'll be the least of your worried Miya," he warned me with a stern tone. I got in the car without complaint or struggle and leaned against the windshield as he drove me to his house. Child proof locks...check, deranged possibly a murder driving...check. Well I'm screwed.... I kept in my thoughts until we pulled into his driveway and got out running to pound on the door. "Rick," he yelled in a pathetic attempt to sound scared, "Rick, Miya's here and she tried to kill me," he continues. The door opens and my father walks out striding to the car completely unfazed by Mitch's pleas for him to stay back because I'd kill him. "Oh for the love of God Mitch shut the hell up," I screamed having enough. My father opened the door and let me out, as Mitch kept saying I'd hurt him. Anger welled up in me and a charged at him slamming him to the ground, my father recording it all. I stopped suddenly realizing my mistake and burst into tears shaking in a ball as my father stopped recording and called the police. "That's no way to treat family," my dad scolded, "especially your uncle Mitch." He believes I'm doomed. All of my hope was crushed the instant he believed Mitch over me. "Rick did you get the evidence," Mitch asks my father with a smirk. "Enough for her to be admitted," I hear him whisper back. Several minutes later the cops arrive to find Mitch and Rick looking concerned and sad as they starred at me trembling in a ball, scared out of my mind by the idea of being arrested.

(Hey everyone, I hope you liked the first chapter, I'm aiming to make each chapter over six hundred and fifty words or more and with at least thirty chapters per book just saying as a heads up. Well please comment and vote and remember don't venture into the Fields of Darkness, they aren't as playful as they seem.)

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