Chapter 19

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I woke up and laid there god its so hot.

I look out and the window was open. The first thing i thought was i needed water but i was too weak to get some. I couldn't even lift my body. The doorbell started to ring furiously.


I was dehydrated i knew it. My world kept spinning around me and I felt dizzy I felt like i was slowly falling into a hole......

-----------Waking up from blackout-----
I slowly open my eyes and checked
My surroundings. I'm still in bed. I could hear the house phone ringing and I couldn't get up to answer it. I turned to my phone and saw that I had five miss calls from Arthur 2 from Alfred and 3 from Francis. Damn. I tried to get up and support myself. All I want is water.

It's really short I'm so sorry :(

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