"You're talking to him again?" She asked. "Because you know what happened to you when he left-"

"Mum," Harry cut her off. "We've talked about everything and caught up over the semester. We're friends again. Well, more than just friends..." He trailed off as he looked down, willing himself not to cry. "You were right mum, we're soulmates."

"Really?" She asked, and Harry got up out of his seat to go around to her, wrapping his arms around her waist as he hugged her again. He buried his head in her shoulder, smelling her hair and the familiarity of home. He really missed this.

"Yeah, mummy." He whispered. "He's my best friend again."

"Oh Haz," Anne chuckled as she hugged him back, rubbing her son's back. "I'm so happy you've found him again. You two were inseparable."

"Yeah," Harry chuckled as he pulled back, by stayed by his mum's side as he watched her cook. "Well its happened again."

"You should just ask the school if you two can share a room." Anne laughed jokingly. "If you're anything like before, then you probably practically do anyway."

"Mum!" Harry laughed. "I like my roommate, his name's Niall. Besides, Louis and I don't need to share a room, we spend all day every day with each other anyway."

"Of course you do." Anne shook her head. "Pass the bowls, dear."

So Harry picked up the two bowls and handed them to her as she served the food, and the two of them sat down at the dinner table.

"So it's like before, then?" She asked. "You're as close as you used to be?"

"Probably closer," Harry shrugged, looking down at his bowl to hide his blush as he began to eat. After all, when they were 12 and best friends, they didn't have sex and then brush it under the rug like it didn't happen, because it was easier that way than actually having to talk about it.

"That's good, Harry." Anne nodded. "But have you thought about what might happen after uni finishes?"


"I know, I know," Anne waved him off. "You're more mature now, but you took it really hard last time, love. What if he moves away again?"

Harry frowned and looked away, his smile waiving. He knew she was right, but he honestly didn't really want to think about it. Maybe Louis would leave again, maybe it would shatter his heart again, but maybe, maybe it was worth it.

"Honey," Anne reached across the table and rested her hand over her son's. "You know I love Louis like he's my own, but I just worry about you. I want to trust him, I really do, but he hurt you, love. Are you sure he's the same boy as he used to be? Are you sure that you're not going to-"

"I know," Harry whispered, finally looking up at her. "And I want to trust him too.


January 19th 2009

"Harry," Anne said, her head peeking around the corner of the door with a timid smile. "Honey, you have to get up now."

"Go away." Harry grumbled, his face pressed into the pillow, muffling his voice. "M'not in the mood."

Anne sighed, standing in the doorway as she watched her son lie still. It had been almost 6 months since Louis left and Harry wasn't taking it well. Anne had watched her once energetic son become a shell of a boy, slowly getting more and more reclusive with every day that Louis hadn't called.

Harry rolled over in the bed, the 12-year-old frowning at his mum. His face was still tear stained from the night before, it seemed it was always that way.

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