Truth and Tales... the Aftermath of Hazelwood Academy by SarahRuRu

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**A/N: This is the sequel to Hazelwood Academy. I guess you guys got sick of this, so I decided I wouldn't write it anymore. Hope you guys like the ending. :) *evil smile* <3 SarahRuRu**

Truth and Tales... the Aftermath of Hazelwood Academy


Point of view: Headmaster Eric

Headmaster Eric thought about the teens' punishment for a few days, and his thoughts kept running in circles. After a couple sleepless nights, he finally decided the only way he could keep everyone safe would be to take drastic measures. He thought for a few days on what these drastic measures would be, and came up with a couple of ideas. He then ran them by his secretary, Megan, and she helped plot out the plan for him. Headmaster Eric is now sending out an update to all of the staff and students via IM. Here's what Headmaster Eric and Megan are sending: "Dear students faculty and staff, Due to recent issues with unruly teens, there has been a safety threat. Not just my safety, but everyone on campus' safety. I have found that the only option to keep us all safe is to send a few select students to a correctional facility, run by ghosts, like myself, and the rest of you guys will stay here. It may sound easy for those of you that get to stay, but there's a catch, you need to prove your loyalty, or I will be forced to make some... changes in our enrolment. The select students will be called to my office via IM momentarily. Have a nice day, I will send out a notice for a meeting soon. - Headmaster Eric" In a matter of moments, the students enrolled at Hazelwood academy are in for a surprise. Probably the surprise of their lifetime. Either you prove to be loyal, or you... disappear. That was Headmaster Eric's only way to keep the 'special' students, and more importantly the identity of half the school's population safe from the outside world. Headmaster Eric never meant to harm the humans he let into the school, this was never a plot for revenge, but due to the circumstances, a few lives may be lost. If that is the price to pay for secrecy, Headmaster Eric was going to do it. Now all he has to do is wait for the students' response, and send out the second IM, the IM that will decide a few peoples' fate, and change their lives... for the worse.

Trust and Tales... the Aftermath of Hazelwood Academy

Chapter 1: Reactions

Point of view: Lukke

Lukke was in the rec. room when the IM came. At first he didn't know what was going on, he just saw the students on the computers start freaking out, then showing other students something on the screen. By the time Lukke hear the news, he was expecting the worst. Ironically, the worst happened; students were being sent away. Lukke didn't know how the Headmaster was going to pick the students, and he just prayed that he wasn't one of them. The way that Headmaster Eric portrayed "being sent away" did not sound pleasant at all. The reaction he remembered most, was Mellanie's. She was sitting in front of the TV playing Rock Band © with a couple of guys trying to impress them, and she was. Mellanie was mid song when she saw other students coming towards her. She quickly pressed pause on the Wii © remote and waited for their news. Mellanie was a sucker for gossip. Once the students started telling her though, Mellanie tensed, seeming like she was ready to bolt out of the room in a moments notice. Lukke already knew the gossip, and wondered why she was reacting so strongly. Lukke had a slight fear that it was him leaving, but he didn't react like Mellanie; it looked like she was one hundred percent sure she was going. Lukke flipped his hair out of his eyes, and was about to get up off the couch he was lounging reading a book to see what had Mellanie so worried. Maybe she knew something everyone else didn't? Right as Lukke stood up to cross the room, the people on the computer started up a new round of hysterics, the new IM had come. Instead of going over to Mellanie like he planned, Lukke walked over to the people on the computers so that he could squish his fear. The IM went as follows: "Dear students here is the list of people who are going to be sent away from Hazelwood. If your name is on this list, please pack up all of your personal belongings and meet me in my office. Your parents have been notified of your transfer, and agree. As for the rest of the students, please meet Megan, my secretary in the Main Lecture Hall where the Meet and Greet was and stay for the information lecture that she is going to give. Headmaster Eric" At the bottom of the IM was a link, the person on the computer, Grant, clicked on it and the link went to a PDF file of the student roster. There were four names highlighted. You could hear a sigh of relief from ninety-nine percent of the room as they read the list and realized that theirs was missing. Lukke mumbled the list as he read the highlighted names. "Josh, Katie, Avery, Mellanie." Lukke went back to his memories of the Meet and Greet and tried to add faces to the names. He didn't connect anyone new. After taking the trip down memory lane, Lukke looked over to see Mellanie's reaction at being on the list. When he turned, he saw that she was laying on the couch he was previously occupying, fainted. "Well that's not good." Lukke said, and tried to think of what he was going to do next. Before he could come up with anything though, someone appeared in Lukke's line of sight with a glass of water. The over-done movie scene commenced. After Mellanie regained consciousness, one of her friends Lukke didn't know herded her towards the door, and Lukke saw them turn the corner in the direction of the girls' dorms. Lukke assumed the friend was taking Mellanie to pack her stuff. "That's kind of sweet... in a odd twisted way..." Lukke thought before he noticed the room was clearing out around him. He heard murmurs about going to the lecture hall and people wondering aloud what the lecture was going to be on. Lukke followed along mindlessly, making his own guesses at what was going to be said at the lecture hall.

Hazelwood Academy and it's sequel, Truth and Tales... the Aftermath of Hazelwood Academy Where stories live. Discover now