Ryan: Aye, bro what's wrong?
Justin: What?
Ryan: What's wroonngg?
Justin: Nothing..nothing. Why?
Ryan: Dude you've been my bro for 10 years. I know when something's bothering you. Is it that nerd from this morning? The one who photoshopped the pic?
Justin: Mhm. I just can't believe she'd do that
Ryan: I know man but we've always known she's weird. Look don't let it ruin your game.
Justin: Ugh your right.

They both  go back to the game but Justin keeps looking over at the library building because he knows that's where I always am at lunch.

He gets his phone out

Missing your cute little giggle
-Justin x

He hits send and puts his phone back in his pocket. My phone beeps and I open his text, I can't help but smile when I read it but I don't reply.

Why can't I stay mad at him, no matter how he treats me. One little sweet gesture and all is forgiven, I don't even know if I like him as a person yet. Yeah he's hot, everyone can see that but why am I getting butterflies?

After lunch I go to my classes, thankfully none of them were geography. I leave just after the home time bell and I drive home.

My doorbell rings, I shout from upstairs
Me: I'll get it!
I go downstairs and open the front door to a big bouquet of red roses and a pair of legs.

??: That is you right, Ariana?

I recognize the voice an smirk

Me: Justin?

Justin moved the flowers from his face and smiles, he's wearing a suit and tie. I step out the front door and close it over behind me.

Me: What are you doing here?
Justin: Too much?
Me: You look handsome, but why?
Justin: Well...I wanna make a good first impression.
Me: To?
Justin: Your mom and dad, I also wanna apologize for today
Me: You already have. And who says you're meeting my mom an dad?
Justin: Well I wanna apologize properly..

He hands me the bouquet of roses

Justin: I'm so so sorry

He leans in and kisses me softly, I kiss him back and smile.

Me: Okay. Cmon in

Justin smiles, I open my door back up, go inside and lead Justin to the living room, putting my roses down before we get there.

Me: Mom..dad..this is Justin.

They get up from the couch and come over to us. My mom looks at me then Justin.

Mom: Oh so you're the famous Justin. You're the one who bought all of these clothes for Ariana.

Justin: Yes ma'am.

Mom: Well nice to meet you Justin, my name is Joan

Justin: Awesome to meet you too ma'am

Justin pulls out a small bunch of flowers from behind his back and gives them to my mom.

Mom: Awh aren't you a sweetheart thank you!
Justin: You're welcome ma'am
Mom: Oh stop, call me Joan.

Justin smiles

Justin: Okay thanks, I will
Mom: I'll go put these in water

My mom goes into the kitchen with her flowers. Justin and I both look at my dad.

Dad: What are you doing here?
Justin: W-well me and Ari Sir, are doing a school project together and Ariana said that she wanted me to meet you so you will allow us to work together here Sir
Dad: Hm..well as long as you respect my family, my daughter and the house rules. I don't see any problem. You're just project partners right? Nothing more?

We both nod

Dad: Well then, feel free to study here. But one rule.
Justin: Of course Sir
Dad: You don't step foot up those stairs
Justin: Of course Sir. Understood.
Dad: Oh and you can call me Ed
Justin: Thanks, I will.

Me and Justin look at each other and smile. My mom walks back in the living room carrying her flowers in a vase and places them on the fireplace.

Me: Cmon I'll show you out
Justin: Bye Sir, bye ma'am
Mom: I've told you, call me Joan

Justin smiles

Dad: Bye son

I giggle a bit and walk Justin to my front door and open it for him. He steps out. I giggle a bit again at what just happened

Justin: There it is
Me: Which?
Justin: That giggle that I've been missing all day

I smile

Me: Goodnight Justin.
Justin: Night

I go back upstairs to my room taking my bouquet with me. And lay on my bed with my flowers next to me. A few minutes later I hear light taps on my window which is locked. I sit up and look at what's making the noise and see Justin up the tree. I get up and open the window.

Me: I thought you were using the door from now on? I also thought you left
Justin: Sometimes I just like it up here

I giggle again, Justin smiles

Justin: Plus I forgot something

He climbs through my window

Me: What?

Justin: This..

He puts his hand on the side of my neck and we kiss deeply and slowly with tongue, we break from the kiss a few seconds later and smile.

Me: Goodnight Justin
Justin: Goodnight princess

Justin smirks as he climbs back out my window and down the tree. I re-lock it and lie on my bed smiling like an idiot.

..What the hell just happened?!..

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