Angelia's Story

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Slowly opening her eyes, Rebecca starts looking around the room. She sees her husband sitting beside her on the bed, gently holding her hand.

"What happened," she asks.

"You fainted honey."

"I fainted?" she repeats hoping to jog her memory. Remembering what had taken place out in the shed, she quickly sits up.

"Oh Dan, it was awful, just awful," she begins.

"What was honey?"

"I saw a large black mask staring down at me, and I heard children's laughter and then a bunch of toys started floating in mid-air. There was music too, but it wasn't the kind you hear today. It was like something from the disco era, like Saturday Night Fever. I got scared so I took off running towards the door and that's when something grabbed a hold of my leg and pulled me to the ground."

"Wait, wait, you said a mask was staring at you?"

"Yeah, an evil looking one like the tribal masks we used to have in the store."

"I didn't see a mask. Did you Wilbur?"

"Can't say I did."

"I saw it, I know I did."

"I think you might have dreamed it, honey. In fact, I think you dreamed the whole thing."

"No, I didn't, I'll show you," she says, jumping up, she runs outside, Dan and Wilbur follows behind her.

"It came from right over... It was there I swear it was!"

"Maybe you saw, a reflection of something else?"

"No, I'm sure it was a mask." Seeing the disbelief in her husband's eyes she continues.

"I remember looking out at the dark sky and that's when I saw it. Then the toys started floating around the room and I heard children's laughter all around me."

"It's been bright and sunny all afternoon, sweetheart."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive, Becca."

"Maybe she hit her head when she fell," Wilbur suggests.

"I didn't hit my head and I know what I saw."

"Come on honey, let's get you home where you can rest," Dan says, pulling her towards the door.

"I'm fine, really," she states. Freeing herself from her husband's grip, she walks towards the boxes.

"You can do that tomorrow, tonight you're going to go home and rest."

"Can I take one box with me?"

"I suppose if you promise not to overdo it."

"I promise." Grabbing the largest box she can find, Rebecca walks towards the car.

"I'd keep a close eye on her if I were you."

"Believe me, Wilbur, I plan to."


After dinner, Rebecca decides to go through her box. She saw a lot of interesting stuff in it when she was scooping it off the floor and wants to see what other treasures might be hidden away. As she's gazing through the container, she noticed several of the items are carefully wrapped in thick plastic. Looking closer, she notices that each of the pieces seems to belong to a young girl.

"What are you doing honey?"

"Looking through the box. I have a feeling all of this belongs to a child. The way it's wrapped, I'm guessing she's probably deceased.

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