Perhaps I overreacted, I wasn't really thinking about a consequence at the time.  I was just already having an off day and I wasn't about to let my own teacher make it worse.

         I stomped my foot and the power went out, I pointed my finger at my teacher getting ready to actually yell at him and call him out for treating me like the other rude kids.  Instead, a purple surge of electricity shot from my finger and went right into his chest.  I was so mystified by the sight that I didn't- couldn't- move and the electricity kept streaming out into him even after he'd already collapsed on the floor. Someone in the class had gotten the school nurse and she helped him to an actual hospital where he stayed for a whole week until he finally returned.  He never really looked at me the same way after that, and neither did the other kids.  But I never got teased anymore, either. 

       Connors had finished explaining the whole situation to Charlotte and when he finally finished the room was uncomfortably silenced until she broke it.  In a whisper she said; "Maybe Mr. Schneider was hallucinating, if he was hit by that much electricity it could have effected his brain and memory of that moment."  Again, silence.  Then, I heard someone sigh before Jennings spoke in a somewhat irritated voice.

       "Miss Vast, there are other occasions that help prove to us what your sister is and we have orders too-". I heard a loud bang, like Charlotte had slammed her fist down so hard on something she could have rattled the whole house.
      "I know you have orders to take her, you've said that already!  But she's not even here, so I think the both of you should just leave now before I call the police to escort you out!"  She was shouting now but it didn't effect either of the visitors.

      "The police cannot send us away, what we are doing here is perfectly legal.  The government has authorized us to remove the threats to society, your sister is one of those threats."  I wasn't able to take it anymore.  What threat was I to anyone?  I had burst in the room, ready to set these insane people straight. 

      "You can't make me leave!"  I had shouted at them.  I didn't really understand the whole situation but I could tell what Charlotte wanted and I was always going to be on whatever side that was.  It was clear she wanted me to stay so I wanted me to stay.

         Charlotte was sitting on her bed, head in hands, while both Connors and Jennings stood on either side of her.  I'd always thought my sister as strong and powerful but she seemed small in the presence of these two people.  They towered over her like skyscrapers and their faces possessed none of the kindness that Charlotte's did.

        "No."  Said Charlotte, bringing her head up from her hands when it was clear neither of the officers were going to speak.  They wanted to make her tell me, that way I'd listen.
        "What do you mean no?"
         "I mean your going with them, Mo."  Charlotte used the nickname she'd been calling me ever since I was a little baby.  I'd always been Mo to her.  Always.
        "I don't want to go with them."  I said to her, then I turned to the officers.
        "I didn't mean to hurt Mr. Schneider, it was just a freak accident and I promise it won't happen again, ever."  Neither Jennings nor Connors moved, spoke, or changed the expressions on their emotionless faces.
        "Mo, listen to me."  Charlotte said.  She stood and walked over to me, placing both of her hands on my shoulders so she could make sure I was looking her in the eyes.

          "I've tried everything I can, they've been here for an hour already and there is no way I can convince them not to take you."  She looked at me with so much fear and sadness and she was mostly unaware that she was digging her fingernails into the skin on my shoulders.

        "Why do they want me?"  I asked but she never did answer.  It's because of what I did to Mr. Schneider, I thought, they're going to lock me up for what I did to him. Foolish, foolish little me had no idea that what they had I store for me would be so much worse than jail.

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