Chapter 5-- Debt

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Hazel's POV

Cam came later that night and I have already made up my mind to tell them my story.

We were currently gathered in the living room, Matt and Lucy on one side of the couch and me on the other.

With a deep breath I started,

"I used to live in the Blue Lack pack. As you can see, I'm not fit like any normal wolf, and that's because my mother never allowed me to train or run with the pack."

"Why weren't you allowed?" Lucy asked, cutting my story.

"She used to always tell me that it was for my own good and that I would be in danger if I went. I was small and stupid so I believed her. That idea grew with me so I never bothered going. Everyone in the pack would make fun of me and bully me whenever I go out so I stopped leaving the house all together. Yesterday, was the alpha's son's birthday. It was the day were he finally turns eighteen and find his mate."

Lucy sucked in a deep breath, obviously, suspecting what would happen next.

"Yeah, you guessed right." I confirmed with a sigh.

"Then why are you- no, no don't tell me." Lucy's voice was raised a notch at the end and her eyes widened.

"Yeah, I was rejected." I nodded.

"Oh Haze." Lucy reached closer and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry." She murmured.

I let out a humor-less chuckle. "Wait till you hear the rest of it." This made her pull back.

"There's still more?" Matt asked in confusion to which I nodded.

"When I ran home after the rejection, my mother followed me and revealed the secret she's been keeping ever since I was born. Turns out, I'm not my father's daughter."

Lucy gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. Matt looked at me wide eyed and he too, had his mouth opened in shock.

I proceeded to tell them everything my mother told me, not leaving a single word.

"And that's when I came to the motel and met you guys." I finished. The was pity in their eyes and I hated it to no end. I didn't want anyone's pity. I ran away to start afresh, to shift freely and train more. I wanted to change for the better before I go back to my pack.

"So, will you guys help me find my father?" I asked after a couple of minutes of silence.

They seemed to have come back to their senses.

"Of course we'll help you." Matt nodded his head and smiled at me.

"Yup, yup. Ask us anything and we're ready." Lucy joined.

"Okay, first, I need to find a job." I told them with profound determination.

Matt and Lucy scrunched up their faces in confusion.

"I wanna fend for myself too you know." I explained with raised eyebrows.

"You don't need to do that." Matt said.

"But I want to. All my life I've done nothing to myself and finding a job is something that I want to do." I replied. They nodded in understanding.

"Looks like we need to head to bed early today." Lucy sighed.

"Yeah. I'll have to wake up early to go job hunting." I said with a smile.

_ _ _ _

The next morning, I woke up earlier than I usually do. After a warm shower and a clean outfit put on, I left the house and started job hunting.

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